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Posts posted by analwinterofmylife

  1. She really does need to let Ride die. It's horrible live and it's always been. West Coast is probably her best song and one of her most amazing and exciting moments live... I don't know why she's skipped it.


    Cruel World is a perfect opener but she lacks the passion and emotion the song actually has. Lolita needs to stay, it's AMAZING live and just like @@Electric Body said yesterday... it's a proof that the album version is horribly produced. The song itself is incredible and energetic.


    Carmen........... . . .. . .


    ... I like ride live and think its good live........ 

    That being said I'd rather her perform a bop off uv


    I'd much rather her do shades of cool

  2. Criticism is fine.. I think most people agree Lana's shows aren't super appealing to people who don't love her or at least like her kind of music.. That being said I feel like flipflop is being a bit harsh with criticism.. Kinda disrespectful Imo.. While they have the freedom to do that, they also gotta own up to the criticism their criticism gets.. 


    When people are passionate about things, and people its hard to see that thing/person being disrespected or belittled.. So if people are gonna be harsh/rude by calling lana's vocals messy, her presence lethargic, weak voiced,  and calling her a shy school girl.. They gonna have to deal with the consequences of doing that so... 

  3. I watched on periscope the entire show. These are my observations:


    The good:

    - Yayo was an eerie experience

    - There were many Lana fans

    - There were no backing tracks

    - OTTR was pretty good (but she run away with no encore again)


    The bad:

    - Overall was an incredibly boring experience. Now I understand the clueless Belgians: if you’re not a Lana fan, sitting through her show can be a chore. Why is her show boring? Well firstly, Lana is not there: her delivery is lethargic, she has no energy and her voice is weak. Her band is becoming bland tbh. Secondly, her playlist is plagued with a lot of slow songs that she didn’t sing well (BTD, Ride was horrible, Carmen). This is not a festival setlist, period.

    - She cannot interact with the audience. Her attempts were pathetic, like a shy schoolgirl that is for the first time on stage. When those nobodies’ backup bitches were next to her they exuded more confidence than Lana.

    - Her voice was all over the place too many times. The fact that she cannot control her voice in live settings is disheartening.

    - The setlist is an incoherent mess, those interludes about the moon were out of place.


    In conclusion, I’m convinced that the decision to do a festival tour was a really bad one because she’s not in the position to hold her headline status. Her show is weak and I say this as a Lana fan, imagine how a non-fan will react to this boring mess. Unfortunately she woke up to late to improve her show, the backup girls are underused and misused in the same time in my opinion. But the main problem is Lana herself: her voice was tragic sometimes, she butchered Ride and she improvised badly on to many songs where she couldn’t hold the tune. I have a negative feeling about this tour but this is the consequence of not taking seriously and professionally your career



  4. I'm so happy she tried to improve her show. They were really getting repetitive/boring/not worth the money.


    I hope she practices more. The next step is definitely changing the setlist. Cruel World, Blue Jeans/Born to Die, West Coast, High By the Beach, Lolita, Video Games and Off to the Races should stay, but the rest...


    Music to Watch Boys To with the dancers would be SO cool.


    Also, her shows are so much better in the night. Her light show is always on point.


    The band was amazing as usual.


    I totally think it would be better at night toooooo

  5. why is everyone complaining about the crowd? Did they have done something to her?


    I think I heard people booing.. The crowd just didn't clap much....multiple people said on twitter they were falling asleep and said they were just there for bruce .. My guess is she only a small number of fans in the crowd compared to older men who just cared about seeing bruce Springsteen

  6. I am glad lana has stepped up her game.. I think she could tell she needed something else.. That being said, back up dancers wasnt it.. If they were just backup vocalists who did some dance moves.. I think that would be fine.. But its like having two different performances at once, plus I think if she's going to go with that, she needs to create a better stage setup/atmosphere. The dancing just seems like too much, to go with the rest of the stage scene and atmosphere are creating. If she had maybe a endless summer or paradise tour-like stage back ground it would be a bit better... But this seems a little tacky. 


    It seems to me tacky 70's stuff has basically become the era of honeymoon.. 


    I love lana so much! I think this performance was actually pretty good ! Vocally, and she did well with the dance moves from what I've seen. She also handled the shitty crowded reasonably well. I think it was a situation lana didn't foresee.. I feel like the overall mood of the show would have been better if there were more actual lana fans and not just bruce fans


    Anyway a better direction I feel would be for her to just go back and invest in good stage scene/lighting effects and get some more people on instruments!! Strings PLZ..  Also be a bit more intimate with the crowd .. I think thats all she needs

  7. I don't think that Lana is a festival artist yet. It was a gamble that she went only for festivals where you have to deal with a diverse audience. Her popularity in Europe is diminishing lately so I thought that an extensive theater/arena tour in Europe would have been a better choice for her 


    It seems like she was reallyy miscast in this festival.. I wonder how her concert tomorrow will go


    Does anyone have a video of Lana performing with her guitar today? Periscope isn't working for me right now.  ;)

    Anything on YouTube yet?


    The crowd wasn't bad. From what I saw on Periscope earlier today people were clapping and screaming I love you to her. Am I missing something?



    I thought I heard booing right before off to the races and someone saying "leave".. There wasnt that much clapping.. Usually people are losing their shit. Also if u look at #twclassic on twitter a lot of people are saying rude shit about Lana and say they're just waiting for "the boss" 


    Idk this is just from what I've seen.. On periscope the girl recording said people were being rude in the crowd. 


    Also if u look at videos.. Not many people were even recording lana... 


    Could be wrong.. I guess we will find out later with better quality videos

  9. She also said in February that the songs she was working on were in the vein as HM in terms of vibes and aesthetics but the concepts were better interpreted in her mind, something like that, so I didn't thought of it but it actually wouldn't be that surprising if it was already for something else but with similar vibes.


    i hope this means she has more visual concepts 

  10. at this point I'm not even sure what points people are making.. but it seems like everyone is agreed that obviously you can't blame an entire group of people for the bad actions of a minority... 


    Rn my heart goes out to those who are lgbtq+ and muslim, since they are put in a horrible position on both ends of this tragedy 

  11. in all reality.. i do think muslim beliefs do play into this.. just as many faiths islam(doctrine) has shitty opinions about gay people.. i think its a stretch to say they did not come into play when the shooter decided to attack.. Obviously you cannot fully blame the religion, or all parts of the religion, because A. TONS of people follow the same region and have never hurt a fly.. B. bc everyone has the individual choice on how to exercise their faith.. 


    Basically.. this shooter had a personal vendetta against gays, on top of that he may have felt even more compelled due to religious material (but that really just affected him as any philosophical text can and does) it seems to me he chose to use both as a way of hurting people.. the point still remains tho.. if he truly cared about following the true rules of his faith. he wouldn't have done shit during ramadan .. i think thats the point some people are trying to make.. 

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