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Posts posted by analwinterofmylife

  1. My ignore list is getting longer and longer by the minute.


    Now people are dragging poor Lana into this. Lana who is the most humble and down to earth celebrity out there today. Lana who never flaunts her wealth online or in her daily life. Jesus take the wheel. Why don't we just drag Mother Theresa into this too.


    All this for a narcissistic rich porn star who flaunts her riches online and off, then jets the world and leaves her children with nannies. Good thing Kim always leaves her kids with the nannies. Had she been a typical loving mother, her kids would have been with her that night and would have witnessed the robbery. Of course, now you teenagers are going to pick this paragraph apart and twist it around, but it won't matter to me because you're all basically on *ignore* and I'm officially done with this thread for the last time.


    wow this post really made them look so much better than they already seemed

  2. Before I block you two idiots, let me tell you something. I grew up with an alcoholic mother and a drug addict father. I was raped as a child. I was raped again as a teenager. Don't come at me about trauma. Do yourself a favor, go to school, learn some reading comprehension then read an entire book before you leave such a nasty malicious snide remark about something you know nothing about. You don't know shit about the hell my life has been so do yourself a favor and stay in your lane.


    Honey wtf I'm a college student with a 3.84 GPA, you don't know shit about me yet you're calling me an idiot lol. I didn't say you don't know what trauma is. But as someone who has gone through trauma I'm surprised you wouldn't feel more empathetic, since you know what it's like. Also my opinion was about your opinion. I have every right to have an opinion on your opinion and like the only reason u came into this thread was to basically say u think she had it coming and she should consider herself lucky bc she didn't die.


    sucks u got raped but at least u didn't die.  

  3. I think she looks really good TBH. Love that she's wearing something other than a white tee and jelly sandals !  The sweater isn't that flattering on her but if u look at her waist it looks more in shape than it did in 2015. I think she's looking good ! Just her makeup and the lighting aren't rly on point. And she's probably annoyed about being photographed XD 



    Iconic how u and @gloomyharlow admit it was traumatic and horrible and yet still don't feel bad or care about her or see why maybe this isn't the best time to drag her bc u don't like that she's rich. :tea:


    I mean ur not required to care But if ur gonna post something insensitive and cold about someone who was just robbed, u can expect to get a lil flack from people who do care. 

  5. Nobody said it wasn't a traumatizing event for Kim, but it's already over and she didn't get hurt. She'll probably be traumatized for a while but nothing that more security can't fix. If she had gotten stabbed it would've been something else. + nobody said her being a millionaire changed anything for her, it just made the possibility of getting robbed higher lol.

    I couldn't care less about people worrying about Kim, the problem is just blowing this out of proportion + people starting that shit with harlow.

    + You comment just further proves the point harlow made


    ...shit like "at least she didn't die" is literally basically belittling how someone feels. Like it's 2016 we can admit that at least your not ___ is just unsympathetic and unnecessary like I'm sure lots of people and Kim herself acknowledge and are glad about it, 


    I think some people just get upset when people they don't care about (yet a lot of other people do)  get attention for no (in their mind valid) reason


    i mean  this person just got accosted and had their life threatened, their sense of security completely broken, and the most u can do is defend someone who TBH is completely insensitive and rude. Harlow basically said he doesn't care at all about her and justified it with. " well people know she's rich so she should expect it" 


    idk just seems unnecessarily calloused. It's like how people went after Lana for saying she wishes she was dead.

    Ppl criticized her and told her at least she isn't going thru real more serious issues. Don't u think a more proper response would've been supporting her as a person since she just said she wanted to die?

  6. @gloomyharlow Gurl I know exactly what you meant and I 100% agree with what you said about some people here "Some of you have a hard time in reading and comprehension and I have zero patience". Sometimes I tell myself they must be trolling because no one can be that stupid.


    Harlow didn't literally say Kim deserved what she got, but if you guys take your heads out of your asses for a moment and think about what happened based on what happens in the real world, you'll see that these kind of things are not that uncommon. Kim has every right to flaunt her wealth as much as she wants, but OF COURSE that'll attract robbers, and that's exactly what happened. So in a way it is her fault. Her mistake was not having guards with her. I mean, Paris is normally a safe city, but when you're super famous and have $10m of jewelry like that you have to take more precautions.


    And don't come with that "girls wearing short shorts are asking to be raped". Anyone should dress how they seem fit but I'm sure if a girl wore really short clothes and went to a place notorious for its high level of sexual violence there's a huge possibility she's going to get raped. Was she asking for it? No, but it still happened. And you guys don't seem to get that.


    And don't expect people to feel bad for her, even though she got robbed she wasn't physically hurt. Meanwhile people are dying in other parts of the world but I don't see no one talking about it here.


    :lanasrs2:  :judgingu: at the end of the day, imagine how fucking scary it would be to have multiple masked men with guns break into basically a complex/hotel of mansions and threaten your life for all your on-hand valuables. 

    yeah, maybe showing off her millionaire status isn't a good idea, but it doesnt change how possibly traumatic an experience was to go thru. 


    u dont have people saying to you "stop complaining about your health issues, because other people are literally dying rn." thats insensitive and completely unsympathetic. 


    @gloomyharlow  ntm, these people arent lowkey friends of lana's anyway? like u rly dont give a shit at all?

  7. Most republicans be saying that lol


    i feel like she probs has some traditional values, and nostalgia for the past that a lot of republicans have.. but honestly i think she just views the past as a simpler time because, since she wasn't actually there, it doesnt seem as complex, and she mostly hears and admires good things about the past. 

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