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Posts posted by analwinterofmylife

  1. so I don't hate her nor do I like her (I feel bad for the cyber-bullying she gets)

    but I can't help myself but cringe at moments like this (whenever Halsey and Lana are in the same sentence)

    and it's all due mostly to the shit she pulled with her National Anthem Parody

    she's not generally the type of person I like (but this video makes me cringe so hard)


    Edit: Hopefully she doesn't get this excited and make a parody of it too


    tumblr_oblynkGvFj1twrqvqo1_400.gif Halsey in this vid tbh

  2. She's getting some really positive reviews for the Osheaga show:






    The latter one is especially good, it's nice seeing music writers take her seriously.


    Sounds kind of like ppl were expecting her to fuck up tho

  3. Excluding drinks? What a fucking ripoff smh

    I Mean ur actually low key right tho.. I've been to weddings with open bars.. ..at such a high price for tickets.. I don't see why they didn't just throw in a fe more bux and include drinks xD (I do get that it is a fundraiser tho)


    So after travelling 2200 km to see Lana live in Montreux I'm finally back home. I'm still processing what I saw/ heard - because all in all this was the best concert I've ever been to (and I attended A LOT of gigs over the past 20 years). I Ioved every minute of it - the sound was amazing; it's so cool to hear some of the older songs with this psychedelic rock vibe. The overall atmosphere was really magic, I felt like in a dream. And Lanas voice was incredible, especially with the more quiet songs and especially especially at Salvatore and Yayo! The Honeymoon songs were stunning too, I loved "Honeymoon" (even better than the already awesome BBC live version - almost shoegaze-like guitars), and "Freak" sounded like a real drug trip (even without the drugs :) ). And as some of you noticed already Lana seemed really happy and to enjoy the show too.


    Some random thoughts:

    - Her short acapella rendition of Salvatore was cute as hell. Lana is the only artist I can think of where I'd love to hear an entire concert just her singing, without any band playing in the backgound.

    - Please bring on a live album/DVD Lana!

    - Some of the BTD songs sounded so heavy/guitardriven, I dug that a lot! "Off to the races" was a killer.

    - The gig would've been even better if she had included a few more HM or UV-songs instead of the old BTD stuff imho. And it would be fantastic if some day she would play those two albums completely.

    - It's a shame "Serial killer" never got a proper release - it's such an amazing song, especially live.

    - The Auditorium Stravinski is a cool venue - you can see the lake and the mountains from the foyer.

    - Lana is the best(est).


     So I've been watching a lot of lanas live performances from recently. The guitar is slaying me. When I saw her in 2014 the guitar was super Rocky.. it wasn't as much during EST. but I'm glad to see she's going back to that vibe. 


    I'm in love with the guitar and bass on Lolita and off to the races. And freak too. The guitar makes it sound a lot more dark and haunting in my opinion. Freak live kind of reminds me of how maybe a crime show intro should sound XD   But anyways. Totally same I'm loving the guitar I think about it so much. 

  5. Can't sleep so went for a walk and passed two French guys saying LanaBoards Liao it's the first time I hear it pronounced irl. By the time I thought of talking to them yet were far I'm wayyy too shy. I slept like 1.3h since yesterday 7am so this is going to be a looooong 21h to wait


    How many hours till the show and what town is it in ? 

  6. Dont get too excited for the professional recording.

    The jazz festival offered an app to stream the concerts live to Twitter. When I tried to do this with Lana however, it only showed an error with the message that they do not have the rights to stream it.

    So I guess we will not get a professional recording, cuz the festival did not buy the copyright.


    Here are some snippets of the songs (most of them are only 10 seconds, cuz those were in my or my boyfriends Snapchat story).


    I saw ur ride video omfg she sounded soo goooood 

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