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Posts posted by analwinterofmylife

  1. I met Lana randomly, at the Beverly Hills Hotel Cabana Cafe on Thursday May 12.


    I was in LA for a few concerts for my favorite singer, Lights, and it turned into a vacation. On that Thursday, May 12th, my friends and I had breakfast at the Beverly Hills Hotel Fountain Coffee Room. It was reaalll nice. Then I asked the front desk if someone could give us a tour of the hotel, so we could take pictures by the most scenic spots. Since I'm an architecture student, I just mention that and they happily show us the architectural highlights.


    We saw the Frank Sinatra suite, which is about $15,000 a night and I saw a bag of weed on the table inside...it was beautiful. I said out loud, I bet Lana would love this room.


    We went down by the poolside and I took some polaroids and photos and we hung out for a minute just to enjoy.






    Lana Del Rey walks past us and I immediately recognize her and say "Lana!" and my legs were just shaking. My friend Rachel did not even notice until a few seconds later (and she didn't hear me say Lana, so either Lana ignored me or she didn't hear me) and I was just SHOOK. I could not believe that this is where I would meet Lana. Our tour guide told us he was responsible for us so that it would be inappropriate for me to go talk to her under his supervision, but he left us a couple minutes later and told us we could do whatever...haha.


    We sat at a table 20 feet from Ms. Del Rey, drinking lemonade and eating chips and salsa. I didn't take any creeper photos because I thought that would be weird and she was just having lunch with her friend. On the polaroid I took of the pool and cabanas, I wrote "swimming pool glimmering darling... We'd love to take a polaroid with you" and asked the waitress to pass it off to which she said no, they can't do that. So we waited for Lana to finish her lunch, and then she took a picture with her friend.


    When Lana got up, so did we, and as she walked towards us, I gave her the polaroid and said it had been a dream to always meet her. She looked so beautiful and so sweet. The manager (restaurant manager) then came and interrupted and said he was responsible for her and that he needed to protect her and she kept brushing him off. The first thing she said to us was "I'm not really taking pictures today." That was kind of weird because she had just taken one with her friend. This other girl and her mom tried to take a picture of her and the manager got in front of the camera, and Lana said no pictures again. She asked me if I wanted her to keep the polaroid still and I said um yeah it's for you lol. She hugged me and my two friends, as well as this other girl and asked us where we were from, where we had seen her... So she showed some sort of interest but she didn't really engage in any conversation, at all. Like "Where are you from?" "Chicago" "Oh cool" Since we couldn't take any pictures with her, I showed her a portrait I had drawn of her way back, and her friend said I was very talented and I don't know if Lana really said anything besides that it looked good. I hugged her again and then she asked us "Are you leaving?" and that seemed really rude given that we were already on the stairs and on our way out because she didn't really want to take pictures or say anything else. So we left. 


    A few minutes later she passed us in the hotel hallway and said "How are you?" and kept walking without stopping.


    Overall it was pretty bizarre and I have no pictures to show for this encounter, but hey, I met Lana Del Rey in the land of gods and monsters. I had never expected to meet Lana, much less in LA, but this experience was so authentic and bizarre I don't even care. I am glad I got to meet her, and hug her twice, but it was surreal. I'm totally over it now that she was vacant and not so interested but when someone tells you it has been a dream to meet you...wouldn't you show some sort of appreciation?


    Idc if you all believe me or not, my friends and I experienced this and it was very much real despite seeming surreal. She looked beautiful, even with her chipped tooth, and she smelled so sweet. I wish she had been more receptive. Lol.

    its not weird for her to say no pictures.. i have a friend who met her before near her back then apartment, and she was like "I'm not really looking my best today no pictures haha.. " 


    but congrats on getting to see god in person xD sorry she didn't let u take a pic.. thats always a little disappointing to ur expectations 

  2. This all reminds me of why I needed to get out of academia. It must be hard to write about a rock record when you've obviously never heard one before in your life, and you compare the increasing intensity of 'Cruel World' to EDM, when Ultraviolence has as much in common with dance music as it does to polka (a better comparison would be to the Velvet Underground's 'Heroin', which is actually similar to it stylistically)

    also throws of brooklyn baby teas asf (instrumentally) 





    It's time to honor our fallen sisters who are probably still reading us but can't share their controversial opinions no more. This posthumous award will be given to that #Lipster who's not with us anymore, but still holds a place in our hearts. What's better than getting an award named 'Best Banned Sis'? Nothing. Well, maybe getting unbanned, but sorry sistrens we don't have that power.

















    GIRLS i have an acceptance statement for this from the posthumously honored, and good sis  INTHESUMMER HERSELF from beyond the grave!! tumblr_o1fm3qdA0U1twrqvqo1_1280.jpg




    The time has come. Our first anual Lipsters Awards have just begun. 

    We've been through a lot of shit together, but finally, the result are IN!


    I'm not gonna make you wait even more time, our first two winners of the night are:



    This title is granted to that member who's always online. Posting, updating, contributing, etc... It's time to recognize said member's input! I think this category explains itself.





    Again, another category that explains itself. This one is for the #Lipster whose username shines the brightest to you. That user whose username you wish you had, or maybe not - but is iconic nonetheless.







    :oic:  :heart:  :godlaugh:  :thankyou:  :thankyou:  :thankyou: im so blessedttttt

  5. I keep having random bursts of pure excitement throughout the day and I didn't understood why but I just realized it's because I'm perched beyond belief for this I'm taking it way too seriously




    Edit: I'm done with my poster for the opening ceremony and I'm softly weeping

    i recognize this gif but i can't seem to put my finger on where from...  :erm:

    (lol not only is it my icon but i also went to this show in 2014)

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