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Crimson and Clover

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Everything posted by Crimson and Clover

  1. How far in advance have the past few Lana’s album leaked? I rememebr LFL leaking, NFR leaking (mainly through cassette girl), COCC leaking, and BB maybe leaking early? were they usually weeks or day in advance?
  2. I was NEVER this excited for COCC/BB. It feels like she’s making a true comeback, and idc
  3. I can’t believe we’d have had 4 days left before the delay… neva getting my hopes that high ever again
  4. going back home to LA this Saturday it better leak by then smh especially with the album’s themes on
  5. I love how we were discussing just a few weeks ago how Lana will never go back to performing (unless it’s with Nicki Lane) cause that’s not who she is anymore. Lo and behold, she’s headlining one festival and is like, fighting to be considered a headliner in another, which happens to be one of the biggest festivals in the world lol
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