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Posts posted by reesedelrey

  1. tbh I'm just rooting for Farrah because she started doing drag in Austin (where I'm from--I went to one of her house parties once and it was a MESS). And I'm also rooting for Trinity because we share the same hometown (Birmingham, AL), and I love a good southern queen lol.


    I'm also rooting for Valentina bc she is handsome and skinny :flutter: but all the queens from this season seem really polished so it's hard to pick a favorite.


    oh and I wanna see if Charlie does Lana on Snatch Game :teehee:

    Girl you're from Alabama? Same sis

  2. marina's voice is fantastic, one of the best out there,


    her chestvoice is strong and low with a nice smokiness,

    her headvoice is also really strong, full& powerful

    and her mix is excellent, both voices are so well connected it's incredible


    some of y'all just really love to hate but have no clue what the fûck you actually talking about lol

    FLOTUS betta stan

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