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Bambi Lies

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Posts posted by Bambi Lies

  1. Did it really leak on a brazilian forum? Cause if that is the case I'm sure this person just had the luck to get it with an insider and wanted fame inside the forum. Not thinking about Lana for even a second.

    I have no idea. I saw it mentioned on the Reddit forum and came straight to LBs. It's sad considering the release must have been fairly close. It seems like Lana can't catch a break since being torn to shreds during the BTD era.

  2. right now, she's nothing but a complacent little ho that feels as if she's already made her mark on the industry and thus isn't striving to push herself any further. she's better than the rest and she knows it, but now that everyone else is starting to recognize it too, she doesn't have any of that fire from before; nothing to prove and nothing new to currently say (and it shows, visually, in particular) 


    she went from piecing mood boards together in order to properly manifest her own self-realizations -- from constructing gorgeously unified visuals to ... this? using fucking scraps from a previous era just because she can? twice! its one thing to set forth with an idea and stick to it mentally or emotionally, but entirely another to just splice random shit together and publish it just because it ~ 'sort of works' ~ ... she's way better than this and so its painfully ironic that the critics no longer have anything negative to say, when the video is honestly trash and deserving of the hate that she would've typically received during the higher points in her career. no intelligence or insight or nuance, just vapid images and a hope for some far-reached analysis of an idea that was clearly never even there to begin with 


    you say that she doesn't want to be 'pop' but this is the most 'pop' mentality she's had so far in her career; literally cut and rehashed and devoid of feeling. but she knows that as long as its slow and pretty, and set to something * classical *, no one will be able to say anything negative out of fear of seeming ~uncultured~ ; i'm sure her motivations for this were calculated to ensure plausible deniability rather than any artistic growth 


    i see u bitch! hope this message (or something similar) gets to her ~ cuz she need to step it the fuck uP (or start to outsource) 


    like honestly, even when she was singing honeymoon last night, she sounded like she was half dead and basically let the crowd sing like 40% of the song. that's pretty much an equivalent metaphor for her visual efforts 

    When Lana is becoming like so many other Youtube stars - great content in the beginning but a little shitty with fame. :lel:

  3. I was literally thinking the same thing after listening to the album all the way through! I think the sadder songs (Terrence, GKIT etc.) are about Barrie, while the happier/dreamier songs are about her meeting and then eventually dating Francesco and thus the album is a story.

    I know I posted before saying I think Terrence is about Barrie but yesterday I read an interview in which she said they had an almost telepathic relationship, which would fit in with the lyrics of Terrence "Put the radio on, hold you tight in my mind" "trying to transmit, can you hear me".


    Speaking to Britain's The Sun newspaper, the songstress explained that they have a deep connection and feel very close: "He is definitely a poet. I didn't really know what being a poet meant until I met him. He has changed me in ways that I didn't expect. On the one hand I have everything I've dreamed of in terms of a soul connection, it's almost telepathic."


    I still maintain that she wrote the song about being in love with someone but having to separate yourself from them because they're so dark. It's clear she loved him and they had a deep connection and in the song it seems as if she is saying, I miss you but I wouldn't change how you are for anything, even if it means I can't be with you because of it.


    "I still get trashed, honey, when I hear your tunes" is self explanatory.


    The Hollywood legends reference when in the past she has said (of herself and Barrie):


    While addressing the state of her next album, Lana Del Rey revealed the strange way she bonds with her boyfriend Barrie-James O'Neill. On their down time, Lana and her Kassidy rocker boo reminisce over legendary deceased musicians.


    "[Kurt Cobain is] a big part of our daily conversation. Jeff Buckley is another big inspiration. And Jim Morrison--I mean, we talk about these people like we know them," said Lana to Nylon magazine. "They're a part of our relationship. We always say, 'All of our friends are dead, and they never knew us.' I'm lucky to have met someone who feels that way, too."



  4. Here's my take on it:


    She sings about not being able to change a person, because he is the way he is and there is no use in changing him. She even really describes him as "crazy", which might not be an unusual lyric for Lana, but in this context it could be literal. Persons with mental disorders can#t just be changed like that from 0 to 10.

    Then there is this thing with the tunes. David Bowie (who was VERY close to his brother Terry) wrote multiple tracks about him. I guess this line refers to being remembered how things were before the mental disease showed.

    The bridge with the two Bowie references clearly shows that she's trying to contact someone who obviously isn't there anymore, at least not in her "realm". TVC15 is about someone crawling into a televsion and being lost into this world. Major Tom's spaceship is somewhere out there in space and clearly loses contact to earth, meaning he will most likely die. David bowie's brother was schitzophrenic, which most likely results in persons behaving like they are not experiencing what many others experience, or at least they take it differently.

    Then we have the line about their love being hidden but never gone. Even though someone with a mental disorder might not be able to show his feelings, but they still are there.

    And another reason why I don#t think it's about Barrie is the "I lost myself when i lost you" line. Even thouugh a break up can be veeeeeery hurtful, tjis line seems more like losing something even more important. David's brother was the one from his family he was closest with.


    Not saying I'm right, it might very well be about Barrie, but this are my thoughts on TLY (and the only reason I REALLY like it .. if it would just be a break-up song, it would become extremely bladn to me)

    I lurk so forgive the awful avatar but I wouldn't necessarily say just because "I lost myself when I lost you" is an extreme line for a break up that it suggests it's not about Barrie. Lana uses extreme imagery quite often "a piece of me died", "but I wish I was dead", so it wouldn't be unusual for her in relation to a traumatic break up. I don't know a whole lot about her personal life or what the tabloids say but it seemed like Barrie was very significant to her and her allusions to his depressive state and how much she seemed to lose herself in it could definitely apply to this song (I've always thought Black Beauty was about him and how she was slowly losing parts of herself "dying her hair black" etc to fit in with his world). I also got the sense that the relationship didn't end because of a lack of love but just an inability to be together healthily. Who knows, I guess it's subjective and could be a combination of the two - inspired by Bowie but also relating to Barrie (but she's not Taylor Swift so there will be no "hidden" messages in the lyrics spelling out BARRIE). Then again I don't really like the Bowie back story because it seems a little insensitive and too close to home for personal reasons.


    I've been wanting to post for days considering I live in Kingston, Surrey and five minutes away from that damn record store! The one day I don't visit the board someone posts about her London signing and I miss getting tickets! This has been an emotional few weeks with added scat porn to make things interesting.


    ETA: I just wanted to add that the reference to Hollywood legends could be related to what she said in an interview. I can't remember verbatim but I think it went something like she and Barrie connect by talking about Hollywood legends/famous musicians as if they were friends, or familiar or something (Im just babbling at this point).

  5. Hi everyone,

    It's my first post but I wanted to share what I 'discovered' after I posted it on reddit a couple of weeks ago. It may have already been mentioned and I'm not sure where to put it or if it's even significant but here goes:

    Okay so it's no secret that Lana was/is a fan of Axl Rose and 'Guns & Roses'. I've been listening to 'November Rain' on repeat and did a little bit of research (I use the term research very loosely) into it's background. Axl said the video (maybe the song too, I'm not sure) was based on a short story by the writer Del James called 'Without You'. It's basically about some drugged up rock star pining after the love of his life who goes onto kill herself after he sends her a song he wrote about her called 'Without You' (about how she is the only thing that matters to him, more than his success and lifestyle) and she shoots herself playing it on repeat. I just wondered if anyone has made this connection before or if it's just coincidence. It became a pretty popular story it seems and was reissued after 'November Rain' made it big.


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