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Posts posted by FlowerFantasea

  1. shut up lmao marina and the diamonds has been here forever and people still joke about what fans she doesn't have.

    it's not like she'll lose fans by somebody saying that she doesn't have any.

    Sorry that I'm here for a quality worth discussion about Allie X, and not about how she has no fans.

  2. she's touring??  You can't call  5 dates a tour, especially when the majority of them are 18+ or 21+, when most of her following are probably teens.... Anyways you have 6 posts, you really have no right to come into this thread and bash a user for making a mindless joke, someone you know nothing about. 

    5 dates... except she's not done announcing new dates... 


    It doesn't matter what my post count is. Using that as a tool to dequalify me to be able to post in this thread is pitiful. I never bashed anyone, I simply asked them to leave the thread if they have an issue with Allie? I couldn't care less if I don't know them, nor do I really give a shit. Them saying Allie has no fans gets old.

  3. Allie is literally not releasing anything at the moment and I guarantee these people you're being bitter about have been fans for much longer than anyone else. youre defending her from literally nothing. You're really being one of those fans idgi.

    So I get attacked for defending someone who is touring and trying the best she can to expand her fanbase... ok


    I can guarantee you that these people aren't fans of hers. Trash Magic has wasted so much time in this thread in the past posting about how Allie has no fans, etc.  :toofunny:

  4. Can you like...not be one of THOSE stans please? It's just as bad

    I will be whatever stan I want to be. If they don't like Allie, why are they always posting here about how she has a small fanbase? It's annoying as fuck and adds no discussion to the thread.

  5. chill (:

    It's kinda simple to avoid a thread of something you don't like? (:


    The only thing y'all can make fun of her is for having a small fanbase, no one can make fun of her talent.  :toofunny:

  6. enough copies to go round everyone in her fanbase then :)

    Tell that to her 18k twitter followers and 200 members on allieboards.

    I snorted

    If you don't like Allie, please fuck right outta this thread. No one cares about what you think about her.


    allie_x_feeling_x TORONTO I am #DOINGX tonight with @flauntmagazine Performance begins 8:30 pm at the WestJet Stage. 235 Queens Quay West. ALL AGES BXTCHES #feelingX And I have something new for ü....




    Her Gaga influence is real.

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