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Casino Oasis

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Everything posted by Casino Oasis

  1. Omg, I completely agree. I sing Off To The Races at the top of the lungs every morning on my way to work. BTD will forever be my favorite album of all time.
  2. And that is why a part of Off To The Races is my username. I C O N I Q
  3. I'm also really sarcastic so I hope no one takes what I say personally! Lol. And omg, I know. I can't even begin with her.
  4. Long time reader here. Okay so maybe I was little harsh but I just felt like it was boring at least to me. I didn't vibe with it and I know other people did/do which is totally fine! It just wasn't my cup of tea. And omg what's with Nicole's hands in that gif?
  5. Literally same. Ultrasnooze was boring to me and I felt like it was a try hard. Sorry not sorry. All y'all can come for me if y'all want. I'll wait.
  6. That's great and all but she needs to announce Summer Bummer or something.
  7. Her team probably doesn't know Summer Bummer is being released. Lmao
  8. Aren't you like 12 little boy? Put that bottle back in ya mouth. It seems like you have something to say on everyone's comments.
  9. If it's really out the 14th, that means the album will leak midweek next week! A girl can dream! I've gotta stay off the NyQuil!!
  10. OMG! I hope it's out the 14th!!! I knew July 21st wasn't the real date!!! I'M LIVING
  11. I screamed out loud and I'm at work. BISH!!!!!!
  12. I think it's safe to say that Summer Bummer will be released tomorrow world wide with a preorder. Maybe it'll be like, "Pre-order Lust For Life and get Summer Bummer and Cherry instantly!"
  13. Y'all hyped all this up for nothing I think...
  14. What if Lana drops the preorder and a closer release date for the album?
  15. Why're the fake lyrics to Coachella better than the actual lyrics?
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