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Posts posted by iloveguineapigs

  1. Black AND Japanese??!1?!!!??! Literally my two favorite ethnicites. But you're both. Too perfect. :defeated: :defeated:


    I also hate vegetables. :defeated:


    "It's a match made in heaven..."


    Aww! I'm sorry I keep slaying you like this, I don't mean to :defeated: You're too sweet. But yeah aren't vegetables awful? :creep:


    0HGZT.gifBilly + iloveguineapigs0HGZT.gif



    We're racing to the altar :defeated:

  2. Guinea Pig-loving latino teenager with flawless smile and good sense of humor.

    Spend his days listening to Blue Velvet and Cola, this boy -obviously- have a flawless music taste.

    And he doesn't really like vegetables.


    I'm not Latino at all...I'm black and Japanese! I've never been told I look Latino before either, that's interesting! But thank you!! And omg you're right. I'm trying to do "clean eating" but I only like, like 5 different vegetables :defeated:


    I think Summertime Sadness has flawless taste in music, specifically with his faves from Paradise (Blue Godvet :legend:). He is really funny and seems like a cool guy from what i can tell! :,) xx

  3. I bet iloveguineeapigs is even more adorable in person than he is in pictures. :flutter: :flutter: :flutter:

    I bet he also loves guinea pigs!! i'm so insightful right I don't know what else to say, I'm such a kiss-ass. :defeated:


    You look like you'd have a really cute personality to go with your face! I think you would laugh a lot and smile a lot and you seem like a happy person to me. I also think you'd be really talkative in person, and the kind of person that talks loudly without knowing it. Am I right?!


    Omg :blush:

    Well, I do love guinea pigs! And I don't know, I guess I have an alright personality! I'm mostly shy, but with my friends I definitely fit those qualities you listed! I try to laugh and smile a lot...thank you!!:,)

  4. Vampire Weekend x2

    The Very Best

    Beach House

    St. Vincent

    Neon Indian

    Purity Ring

    Owl City...lulz (first concert and I really like Fireflies, okay?!)



  5. I just wish SO badly that she would go back to the flawlessly styled, red hair she used to have! And that she would tan, just a little because when she was tan and had the red hair :defeated:

    She would look exotic with the black hair and a little color, but she's so pale and wearing a lot more makeup than she used to and it's making her look old :( . As for her style...I think that she doesn't really have any fashion sense haha! But she's gorgeous and she does have a few casual looks that I enjoyed (the PVC jeans and adidas, the yellow sundress with the flower in her hair), almost all of her white performance dresses, and when she is styled, she looks PHENOMENAL. And her iconic talons are always on point. (except for when they are red, again that just screams OLD to me)

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