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Everything posted by nickolas7246

  1. I have pe, please let there be a leak when i come back although i doubt it
  2. So where are you now? I need this album so bad im literally sitting in class shaking of anxiety
  3. As i lay me down to sleep i pray the lord honeymoon to leak. Goodnight guys please let there be a leak when i awake As i lay me down to sleep i pray the lord honeymoon to leak. Goodnight guys please let there be a leak when i awake
  4. Exactly what i thought,if he is telling the truth and didn't get it some other way
  5. @@JamiDelRey intresting! I have alot of faith in you i hope it works!!!!
  6. So did you explain it would be under the table cause it wouldnt work to purchase it officially? How did you get them to agree?
  7. If you gonna be that annoying and a little goody goody get off these forums cause all we want is leaks
  8. Can someone link me the best recording? I accidentally deleted mines
  9. Im no pro on leak predictions, but i think tm, or no later then tuesday since other stores wil get it soon
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