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Everything posted by GLITTERGIRL

  1. God knows I tried is GORGEOUS. Very dark and a huge vocal range. Wow. Playing HBTB now.
  2. God knows I tried is GORGEOUS. Very dark and a huge vocal range. Wow.
  3. I'm going about an 11/14. They put it in a bag for me. A really big bag. I can't get a pic of the manual, they locked it back up in a drawer. Lol. It's pretty thick.
  4. The lithographs are huge. The manual said that anyone caught raking them or anyone leaving the office door open where the units are will be fired and they will not do business with a record label anymore
  5. I'm going to remain strong, I hope. I just want to go in and get the Lithograph.
  6. I really thought about going to UO to listen and changed my mind. It's going to be a bitch not to do, it's right around the corner from me. But yeah, I want to be in my house alone, with no distractions when I listen to her. BUT I want the lithograph. So, I will go in, and do a vinyl preorder. And that's it. I will be waiting for every detail you guys hear!!
  7. When I saw her this summer in Indiana, the room that I got was an Art Deco style. It was the only room that they had available. How funny!
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