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Say Yes to Heaven

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Posts posted by Say Yes to Heaven

  1. Just now, IanadeIrey said:

    A store also told me this! But I’m afraid they could’ve gotten it mixed up with Violet since it’s also coming October 2nd and some other stores mistook the two for each other in the catalog since they’re both major Lana releases so close to each other. But it would also make sense for COTCC to come on that date!

    I thought Violet was Sept 28th :poordat:

  2. OMG i called some records store in California and one just told me he received the dates for them except it seems the digital date got pushed back, he originally told me Sept 5th but wasn’t too confident it’s still that date.


    But he told me that the physical releases (LP and CDs) are still slated for release on October 2nd (We hadn’t heard that date before!!) so this means we will definitely get the album before then!!!!!!!! Omfg im so excited

  3. She performed these at Tito’s


    Dead to Me / Creep (Radiohead) / Prototype (Outkast) / Loner / Do Me Good (Amy Winehouse / Pobre Diabla (Don Omar) / Aqui Yo Mando / After the Storm

  4. I posted Tyrant and After The Storm official instrumentals and acapellas (ATS has a scrapped verse from Bootsy) 


    The rest of them are on the same channel.x

  5. he said midnight because u have to go thru more nights than days to get to Saturday (3 days, and then four nights would equal Saturday morning)

    Night 1: Tonight, tuesday night

    Night 2: Tomorrow night, wednesday night

    Night 3: Thursday night

    Night 4: Friday night


    Day 1: Wednesday

    Day 2: Thursday

    Day 3: Friday


    So its probably coming Saturday, i guess

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