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Everything posted by Bree

  1. Right? Her eyes are lit up and she looks so happy. Those pics are beautiful and really reflect how much she loves this album. So happy for her
  2. I'll get the album for you =) PM me I'll buy the amazon version for you
  3. This album in HQ is beautiful! It's everything I hoped for and much more! Ugh this album just blows me away. Can't wait for her to start touring!
  4. Sweet! I got my digital version early :-) Pure ecstasy!
  5. I've been playing the leak on repeat for days! I can't wait to hear the album in full HQ. I purchased the Amazon digital version, the CD and a vinly so I'm definitely supporting this album :-) 3 hours and 20 min left! Woop woop
  6. I heard that she was also going to LA. Any info on the date for that yet? I'm so there!
  7. Thanks again! Playing the album on repeat all day. You're the best :-) so glad I can trash the UO version I've been listening to lol
  8. I agree, this era so far is more than I had anticipated. It's so different but still stays true to her style. I'm going to be waiting outside of Target at 8:30am. I wish I could be as patient as you are lol. I ordered the vinyl purely for decoration so I won't really be able to listen to them. I have all of her vinyls up in frames so the red ones will look killer next to the colorful UV vinyls.
  9. Jpeg? You're listening to pictures? Let me have some of what you're taking ;-p lol jk. Pming you now. Thanks!
  10. I know =/ I've been backtracking trying to find the HQ leak link. Can anyone PM it to me? I'd love you forever =)
  11. I got the paradise tattoo as well *guilty* I LOVE it though! I don't regret getting it at all. It holds a special meaning to me but I constantly get crap from my friends for getting it. Oh well, my body! I also wanted to get "die young" but I didn't want to come off too dramatic. To me it means die young at heart not literally dying at a young age. But I know everyone will assume I'm super emo and want to die. So I think I'll stick to the paradise tattoo for now. I have an appointment with Mark Mahoney in December and plan on getting one more Lana inspired tattoo. Super excited!
  12. Waiting by the door for my vinyl to get here lol! I've been playing the UO leak on a loop for the last 2 days. I'm dying to hear a HQ version that doesn't have people talking about hats and shuffling through clothes lol
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