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Posts posted by Limelight

  1. The issue for me is the Spanish that sounds autotuned which next to the powerhouse that she is feels like a hate crime. But I LOVE IT. A LOT. I'M SO RELIEVED. It's fun and carefree and has replay value. It's such a summer track tho I'm confused??? Anyway can't wait to see her in the video gaaaah I love her



    I'm gonna go out of my usual decency levels but I'll go as far out as to say I like it more than A LOT of tracks on FROOT......  :delicious:


    EDIT: and I agree w yall on the accent. Bring back the Welsh

    Anne reggaeton is like this lol

  2. I’m honestly here for a revamped version of BAR. I also want it in HQ and not the 2kbps file we have. God knows we’re never getting the HQ version from a certain someone.. I like the final version of Black Beauty as well. It became an anthemic, Ride-level masterpiece with that new sound so I’m here for it.

    The uv production took away some of the beauty bb had

    what happened with black beauty? they made it better? oh yeah i agree

    Bitch please

  3. That’s not how statistics work. Statistics just tell you the likelihood of a certain event happening.

    A lot of people meet Lana everyday, but that doesn’t mean that they have 100% to meet her. A person who met Lana 10 times by chance has the same possibility of meeting her as I do even though I live In Europe (well, if we were to both live in la).

    As for the first part you’re right, the more you narrow down the area the easier it gets to statistically meet her. I doubt the number would be over the first 3 decimals anyway percentage wise

    Yeah I know that's not how it works but for something like this you can't just apply cold statistics because the variables are not fixed

  4. la has 4 million people, and lana is one, this means that the odds of meeting her are 1/4.000.000, which means that you have 0,000025% chances to do that. 

    which rounds up to 0

    By that you'd have to assume that Lana goes everywhere in the city and so does SunChild. If they both visit the same areas often the changes are way higher than if they live in opposite parts of the city and don't move much.

    Literally thousands of people have crossed lana, they just don't realize it's her or know it's her

  5. Inocente ninguém é, a prisão que é ilegal e o processo que é cheio de nulidade. É só estudar que talvez você entenda como analisar melhor a situação! Não ta fácil!

    Olha não quero ser chato contigo. Você tem todos os motivos pra não gostar do PT, eu também acho que a coisa tem que oxigenar. Mas eu vou te alertar: É preocupante ver pessoas que não estudaram Processo Penal defendendo os procedimentos do juir Sérgio Moro (incluindo a condenação). Até meu professor mais conservador critica os procedimentos que ele adota. E vou te falar: é relativamente fácil de encontrar uma forma de condenar a parte num processo cheio de nulidades. Boa sorte em fingir que Lula é culpado, continua reproduzindo o discurso que o sistema quer que tu reproduza sem questionar ou estudar, tá funcionando, não esquece que o judiciário prendeu o Rafael Braga por um pinho sol. Abração pra ti :*



    Thats the first time :creep:

    Eu não sei muito sobre política brasileira porque ninguém presta, mas um deles na cadeia melhor que nenhum. Até alguns meses atrás nem considerava voltar pra aquele buraco, e agora volto más ja com planos de sair em 2020. Mas outro mandato sem Lula melhor, o problema é que sao dois outros merdas agora que nao vao melhorar o país.
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