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Neon Palmmm

LDR: Song-by-Song

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Hi all! I'm undertaking a new Lana-related project, and I'd love your help and support.  :hooker:


I'm a huge fan of the blog Pushing Ahead of the Dame, which, song-by-song, catalogs the discography of David Bowie. The book The Complete David Bowie by Nicholas Pegg performs a similar function, and also includes entries on songs performed live by Bowie and songs connected to him in other ways.


Both of these publications got me thinking about doing something similar for Lana: analyzing each and every song recorded, performed, or written by Lana in public knowledge. Lanapedia does this to some degree, but I want to offer my own take on it, and present these entries in a more casually readable and entertaining way than the Wiki can. It's become my little pet project, and I've been trying to get it underway for a while now. 


These entries will detail, as far as can be ascertained, the writing/recording process, Lana's possible inspirations for each track, histories of their different versions, and more. 


However, the project will be much more successful with your help! I've been able to glean so much valuable information from the Wiki and from Lanaboards itself, but the fact of the matter is that some members here have extensive Lana knowledge that I can't hope to replicate all on my own -- so, if you'd like to help with this project, please feel free to write here or PM me! Especially needed are those who have been fans since early on in Lana's career, including those who were active on the prolific LDR.FM -- firsthand accounts of early leaks and the trajectory of Lana's career would be indispensable.  


Again, if you'd like to help out, just PM me, and I'll be happy to send you sample entries as they stand, and discuss where assistance is needed.


Thanks so much, y'all, and I can't wait to see how this project goes! :yesnod:


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I don’t know THAT much but I’d be glad to help in any way!

Hell, I Suppose if You Stick Around Long Enough, They Have to Say Something Nice About You

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Well, life has been (very!) crazy, but I've finally had a chance to sit down and begin this project.


The first post, a short introduction, is up at the blog (currently titled Use That Voice, Sing That Song)! 


Come check it out: https://lanasongs.wordpress.com/


The first real entry will begin production now  ;)


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I've been thinking about this project a lot since I announced it four years ago (!!), but somehow never got around to actually starting it :silly: I guess I was inspired by all of the recent sleuthing and analysis, though, and now the wait is officially over! I've kicked off the blog with a post about my all-time favorite Lana track, and I'd love if you'd give it a read and let me know what you think cat2




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On 1/9/2023 at 2:05 PM, sparklrtrailrheaven said:

I've been thinking about this project a lot since I announced it four years ago (!!), but somehow never got around to actually starting it :silly: I guess I was inspired by all of the recent sleuthing and analysis, though, and now the wait is officially over! I've kicked off the blog with a post about my all-time favorite Lana track, and I'd love if you'd give it a read and let me know what you think cat2



I know this is an old thread- but did you ever finish this? I still find it interesting :wub:


"I want to stay home, be left alone- Someone make up my mind so I don't have to decide"

https://www.last.fm/user/fakeeyelash13- my last fm <33

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