cashcomesquick 5,388 Posted March 28, 2020 I hate to say the following ... (but I will be very truthful. No bullshit.) ... I fear it is going to get even worse in the USA in the next 2 to 4 weeks. The CHAOS is coming like a very large tsunami wave. People are desperately trying to get ready for it, but the Government has taken too long to decide what to do. Many hundreds of thousands of people will loose their lives. The White House KNEW of this pandemic way back in early January, but mister Trump kept saying that "everything is under control" . He said this on national tv and to his loyal crowds of admirers about a hundred times, but when the virus infected numbers rose to past 2,000 he got quiet all of a sudden, and began blaming the past Presidents and other people for the virus and the hospital/medical prepareness mess. He is no leader in a time of crisis, let alone calling himself a "war time president". He is a brainless moron. This is no time to blame others or make unwise decisions. It is a time the whole country needs a real Leader, using words of humility, compassion and words that matter. Get the job done, or get the fuck out. The real heroes now who have taken control of some of this tragic situation are the Governors and City-Mayors of the many States. But the fact is, it is too late. The virus is out of control. No matter how many times you hear Trump say, "We have done TREMEDOUS amounts of Tests. We have the best tests ever. I am doing a tremendous good job. I rate myself a 10/10 for doing a great job " -- it is all bullshit to cover up people´s eyes. He has always been a snake-oil salesman. He is not fooling me. I will tell you the reasons why, no matter what , or how many, tests you make, the reality is the virus is ALREADY in the USA and it´s spreading like a Tsunami wave. If a person tests negative today, tomorrow that same person might get themselves infected by another person. People in general are really not obeying the rules to stop the virus. They are still partying like its not a big thing. Most people think that an anti-virus will be coming to their door step (delivered by Amazon express mail) in just a few weeks time. No, it is not. The medical equipment Trump has promised hundreds of times on live television have never arrived to the hospitals. Only about 14% of the necessary equipment (face-masks/ventilators/gloves/hospital clothing/etc. etc) have been received by SOME hospitals. While many other hospitals have received nothing as was promised. The State Governors are now desperately bidding the highest $$$$$ offer to companies (in the USA and overseas) to buy the necessary equipments for their States Hospitals. Trump in return slams the Governors for always asking him for the equipment and says that they are ungrateful. When chaos rules the land, nothing good comes your way. It is every man for himself, because no one can count on (or trusts) the "King". Did you know there have been more gun sales in the past couple of weeks than there has been new car sales in the USA? --- I tell you no lies ------ Chaos is coming real soon to the United States of America. It will not be a pretty scene to see. Here in Europe we are already feeling this chaos and desperation in some countries. The death toll on a daily basis is HUGE and it is not stopping yet. We already know the real facts of what needs to be done in a time of crisis. So far, there has not been any riots, but we are still very far away from seeing this pandemic come to an end. The next 3 to 6 months we might all go crazy too from the madness that surrounds us. The future is a very large " ? " (question mark) But if you are strong in your mind and have a strong will to survive. - DO IT. Do it NOW, before its too late. Prepare yourself. Stay safe, stay at home. AND ... (there is always an "and" to every story) .... and if you can make it through this time of crisis known as the COVID-19 PANDEMIC, and you survive alright, it will make you feel alot stronger and perhaps prepared for the next HUGE worldwide pandemic, known as a worldwide great depression. All major markets are falling like dominos and the next 5 to 8 years we will be seeing alot more unemployment, business closing doors, and alot less millionaires and people partying. This next one will not be anything like the last depression we experienced back in 2007-2009. With the recent news of the USA investing 2 TRILLION dollars to stop this virus, someone in the near future is going to "pay for it all " - Guess who will pay for it ? Surely not mister Trump. Read more about it - He even called it the „Chinese disease“. Racist, „I rate myself 10/10“ DEADDDDDDDD. But I thought about the same thing. What does it matter if you get tested unless you’re showing symptoms. Today you’re negative, the next day you’ll might get positive? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tammy 2,292 Posted March 28, 2020 Since so many public figures have been diagnosed, has anyone heard about this conspiracy theory regarding a drug used by the elite called adrenochrome? I’m not exactly sure as I haven’t looked deep into the rabbit hole, but the drug is allegedly used by world leaders and people high up in Hollywood as it doesn’t have many side effects (compared to other hard drugs)- the controversy is that it is sourced in very unscrupulous ways involving the torture of children (who have been classed as “missing persons). As far as I can gather, one of the main suppliers was a pharmaceutical company in Wuhan and the Coronavirus tainted the supply, which is being attributed by the theorists to the celebrities contracting it. Not saying I believe it- there’s a conspiracy theory for everything, just something intriguing to explore if you have too much time on your hands during social isolation. I actually do not believe it is ‚natural‘ as politians and scientists claim. There is more to it than meets the eye... Some of my colleagues even say Corona does not exist just because they never read or watched an interview with anyone who had it and is healthy again. I do not believe this theory, but I think the virus was spread intentionally. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WilshireBoulevard 5,421 Posted March 28, 2020 I actually do not believe it is ‚natural‘ as politians and scientists claim. There is more to it than meets the eye... Some of my colleagues even say Corona does not exist just because they never read or watched an interview with anyone who had it and is healthy again. I do not believe this theory, but I think the virus was spread intentionally. Chaos agents, particularly in the U.S. (white supremacists and/or people who want a second civil war) have been discussing how to spread the virus more via their online forums and some white supremacists were recently caught and arrested after the F.B.I. uncovered a plot to bomb a hospital with Corona virus patients in it. The most important thing to do is to stay inside as much as possible and not worry too much about where the virus came from at the moment. 4 Quote locals only Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Pico Ocean Boulevard 42,493 Posted March 29, 2020 heyo. So I don't really know a lot of ya guys on here. I'm currently watching the local news and maybe that's just affecting me stronger than it should but, aside from all the love that we can type away and express. Just wanted to remind everyone that we're strong. Every single one of us. For anyone needing to hear this especially. You're strong. You can get thru this. Self isolating might drive some w hard anxiety. We might miss loved ones. Even just going outside seems like a dream. Some of us might have problems not being able to work, w life instability bc of what's happening. Maybe some of us might even be outside doin who know what (be careful, for urselves, and for OTHERS). I hope everyone finds the best ways of distracting themselves when needed, and the resources, even if just mindset to really traverse thru this. Granted, we all are probably thinking of the things, the people that really matter to us. Things that give our lives importance and meaning. Please don't stray and forget. It's probably real difficult or maybe even easy to be thinking about the numbers on our screens. We can't really do much for them, maybe give them a moment of silence? or thoughts of self contemplating bout our own lives. It might not really directly affect us, but please don't let the constancy of these events take ur heart away . . I hope we can really try to do the best we can, as individuals, as a group of people even, to just be the best we can, to be the caring, smart, and stand-up people I know we're all capable of being. Our fears are definitely warranted, for sure. We're being asked to just stay home, and not to invalidate how others might be feeling, thinking, but I hope we can be grateful for the rest we're societally being allowed. Hope everyone has access to current events, not just of our areas, but from a worldwide scale as much as you can. Be aware of updates. Please know the protocols, and follow them as smartly as able. Check out some local relief programs and do what you're able to help their efforts if u safely can. Check on your parents. Check on your friends. Check on your relatives. Your professors, your co-workers. Friends ya might've not heard from in a while. The extraverts that have a knack for keeping everyone happy. The ones that check on everyone. Heck even the introverts that enjoy being alone. If situationally able, tell em how much they mean to you. Let them know one way or another. Wish we knew more about all this. Staying calm, being smart and being human is really all we can do atm. Keep looking forward to tomorrow, k? We've still a lot to look forward to, but it might not mean much if something horrible happens. Take care of urselves, and what you can handle. This might've been like, dramatic or whatever, but just take care ok? I look forward to reading everyone creatively complain about the next record, the next Lana sighting. The next stan wars/beef dramas. Aside from the beautiful insights and pop/non-pop culture news this site, our site, lets us do. We're funny af at times huh? Looool Alright peace out, get some *corresponding meal time meal* Cheers, here's to another another day of whatever we're all doin tl;dr take fucking care. Stay calm, keep smart, be kind. Thank you for those words <3 I hope you all doing well! I'm so glad that I'm on Lanaboards. This place gets sometimes wild but here are so many nice /iconic members and yeah love this place especially in mad times like now 1 Quote "Swan Song. It’s on my album Honeymoon. It’s the antithesis of hopefulness. It’s about trying to find beauty in giving up. If I had my way, I would continue to persist in all areas of my life, but it can be quite challenging because I can be too trusting too soon." Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Barry 6,084 Posted March 29, 2020 :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
house of balloons 12,799 Posted March 29, 2020 save your tears - the weeknd 0:56 ——•———————— 3:35 ↺ << ll >> ⋮≡ 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pulldrone 470 Posted March 29, 2020 when is this pandemic gonna be over?? 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Creyk 11,833 Posted March 29, 2020 when is this pandemic gonna be over?? June 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Make me your Dream Life 90,377 Posted March 29, 2020 Me when I finally get to go back out 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Aquemini 297 Posted March 29, 2020 Lol the person I’m quarantined with literally eats a loaf of bread and a pint of milk a day. We’re running out of food and when I ask them to stop eating they say I ate it not them... I don’t know whether to laugh or scream 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted March 29, 2020 when is this pandemic gonna be over?? It won't be "over" over until there's a vaccine and/or the majority of the population has been infected and developed an immunity against the virus. The only reason we're spreading it out and "flattening the curve" is to buy us some time and make sure the healthcare system isn't overwhelmed by too many infected people (particularly severe cases) at once. 3 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 29, 2020 ... 0 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 30, 2020 ... 0 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kitschesque 9,886 Posted March 30, 2020 Polish government still wants to hold a presidential election on May 10. They changed laws so people over 60 can vote from home. There's still no solution for people in quarantine. Local authorities are fighting back. I hope this doesn't happen. It's neither safe, nor real democracy when citizens' health is at risk. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SlowGinFizzzz 15,359 Posted March 31, 2020 Austrian government two weeks ago: "Face masks are a SCAM they won't do shit for you!!1!!!11!!!!!" Austrian government today: "Face masks are actually awesome, they can really help reducing the spread of the virus. That's why, from now on, you will all be required to wear them when entering supermarkets, and you should do so in general whenever you are out in public. Us doing a full 180 has NOTHING to do with the fact that until now we simply didn't have any masks. Thank you, that is all." 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted March 31, 2020 ... 0 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted April 1, 2020 .... 1 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
maxthehitman 1,731 Posted April 1, 2020 ... 1 Quote - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Make me your Dream Life 90,377 Posted April 2, 2020 Ok. so straight up, does anyone have any updates on whether the virus is ariborne or not? edit: read up. currently, not enough evidence that it is. the newss 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites