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Guest Zephyr

MARINA (and The Diamonds)

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Her smirk on her Instagram story makes me think she's dropping INHA tomorrow or soon as promo for the tour. That or she has something up her sleeve that she's excited for.


I ain't no regular singer, now come get everythin' you came for 

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Her smirk on her Instagram story makes me think she's dropping INHA tomorrow or soon as promo for the tour. That or she has something up her sleeve that she's excited for.


yeah maybe im being too optimistic, but my initial thought was "is she dropping something tomorrow? or announcing that shes dropping smth tomorrow?" i dont rly expect too much from marina tho..we're already getting the acoustic ep, so i dont wanna get my hopes up (at least rn, she did imply she has more stuff to release b4 the end of the yr)

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Hearing it in full now and blasting it on my headphones I couldn’t be happier. THIS is the moment I’ve been waiting for since seeing the L+F tracklist. I’m so happy it leaked it’s 100 times better than the album version I’m sorry Marina but what were you thinking changing it...

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