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Settings for each LDR Album

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this is from personal experience:

BTD - a large yard with family on 4th of July

Paradise - your pool

Ultraviolence - on a subway or walking down the streets in Boston or NYC

Honeymoon - some tropical or romantic resort/hotel, preferably near a large body of water
Lust For Life - a party(?) i don't listen to multiple songs from lfl in one sitting

NFR - just driving through anywhere in SoCal

COTCC - relaxing inside my own home

Blue Banisters - the smoky mountains of north carolina

DYKTTATUOB - the beach but it can't be hot outside



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Born to Die: New York downtown


Ultraviolence: Brooklyn Bridge during sunset


Honeymoon: Art Deco district at Miami Beach


Lust for Life: Hollywood Sign


Norman Fucking Rockwell: Venice Beach


Chemtrails Over the Country Club: Yosemite National Park


Blue Banisters: Oklahoma farm


Ocean Blvd: Santa Monica Pier at night


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Lol I tried to do this but I couldn't. I've played her albums so many times in so many places.


The only one I have a "perfect setting" for is Norman. It's my biking album. I have strong memories of that early pandemic time, it was autumn, and I was all alone riding my bike in the avenue. The trees, the wind, the nice weather, clear sky... :crai:

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BTD: in the city and by the pool

Paradise: in the mountains or anywhere with a view of the city 

Ultraviolence: suburban streets

Honeymoon: a sunny park on the grass

Lust For Life: on a road trip through the country

NFR: kind of everywhere tbh

COTCC: in the country/rural areas

Blue Bannisters: at home and on the veranda 

Ocean Boulevard: by the ocean, on a boardwalk.

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