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Tbh Banks is just not trying. That video was pointless and looks like her other videos but with a different outfit. She should be more creative with her videos tbh. but I mean the song is good so I'll just make sure to only expect good music from her, not good music videos.


^ low budget realness.

I thought the same thing.

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Yasss this and Drowning are my fave videos by her<3 FWM has a good video too but idrc for the song so. This album gonna slay us all hunties, hold on tight


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The video doesn't live up to the song tbh. It looks like someone's high school project.


It'd be cool though if she released 3 more singles, and each video accompanying them focused on each "character" from Gemini Feed to give it more of a narrative.


The look with the leather outfit and the long hair is fucking EVERYTHING though

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