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Rarely Known Lana Facts (bottom of the LDR iceberg)

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2 hours ago, Brooklyn Fetus said:

lana is weird for this she literally shit talked katy on her twitter then when she got called out she said she was deleting soon cause she liked katy apparently… idk but i feel like lana was so jealous of those rising pop stars back then like gaga too cause she finds their music shit but still got famous while her music was bomb and didnt made success


i'm pretty sure @Dua Lipa was just joking :toofunny:


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11 minutes ago, blackenedrussianpoetry said:


But lana’s grandma name is cynthia though… iirc, no madeleine at all

Her maternal grandmother’s name was Madeline Hill. 

So if you don't know, don't give up , 'Cause you never know what the new day might bring

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5 hours ago, Dark Angel said:


i'm pretty sure @Dua Lipa was just joking :toofunny:

nope not joking! She owned katyperrysucks@hotmail.com and katyperrysucks2@hotmail.com. I accessed one of her private facebooks pages back in 2018 using the latter email. The first one is most likely the email that got hacked and how we had all of her leaks from 2011-2013 but that’s just my theory (which ldr.fm hacked)


also Lana never talked shit about her on Twitter. It was Facebook and on her private account (the posts are still up). 

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