MinigunsNRoses 17 Posted March 15, 2015 Hi. This is my first post, so I guess I'm not sure yet how everything works, but I didn't see this as a topic. Is anyone else going to this show? Does she sign autographs afterwards or anything? I got a GA ticket. Would anyone know if that's a decent place to watch from? Lol. Thanks! 0 Quote "Atheism is not a religion. I know that because I am an atheist and my religion is Lana Del Rey!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
buster 152 Posted March 18, 2015 Welcome! GA means you're in the Pit right in front of the stage. Best ticket!!! During previous tours, she may sign items before or after the show but nothing was guaranteed. One thing she did religiously was come down to the front of the pit and greet fans, take selfies, sign items, give hugs, etc. I am not going to this show but I am going to two others. Have fun! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jizzy Grant 150 Posted March 18, 2015 Yeah, it's on the floor so you'll have a very good view of her. I'd suggest you get there early, especially since this is a Lana concert so there will be fans already in line hours before the show starts. Last year when she played at the Coamerica theatre, she came outside and greeted some fans before the show started. I don't know if that will happen at the Pavilion, but you never know. She might come down during the show and take selfies, sign autographs, like she usually does (also, one of the main reasons to arrive early). Also, I strongly suggest you keep hydrated during the show. It's an outdoor venue and since it's in May, it's most likely going to be very, very hot. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MinigunsNRoses 17 Posted March 21, 2015 Guys. Sry. For this venue... It's an amphitheater... By "GA," I meant that it was a "grass seat," which is furthest away from the stage. :/ 0 Quote "Atheism is not a religion. I know that because I am an atheist and my religion is Lana Del Rey!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jizzy Grant 150 Posted March 22, 2015 Unfortunately, the lawn seats are far, but you'll still be able to see her, she'll just be very small. And everybody stands during the show, so if you don't want nobody blocking your view, move to the front. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frankestrella 25 Posted May 9, 2015 Is anyone gonna be in the pit for this show? I'm Gold VIP with a pit seat, but am going alone. HALP. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dirkdabo 17 Posted May 12, 2015 Is anyone gonna be in the pit for this show? I'm Gold VIP with a pit seat, but am going alone. HALP. I have Silver VIP. Super exciting. I've never been to this venue. Will they let people park early or do they open the gates at a certain time? What time is everyone thinking of showing up? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frankestrella 25 Posted May 12, 2015 I have Silver VIP. Super exciting. I've never been to this venue. Will they let people park early or do they open the gates at a certain time? What time is everyone thinking of showing up? The email I was sent says my check-in time is 4:30pm, the pre-show reception is 5-6:30pm, but the doors open to the PUBLIC at 6pm. So Silver VIP is probably going to be let in a bit before then. I'm not sure when I will be able to go to the pit since I'm not gonna be grouped together with the Silver VIPs. I'm hoping either before or at the same time, I don't want to get there after the general public and be forced to stand in the way back. Is your ticket at will call or were you allowed to print it at home? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
buster 152 Posted May 12, 2015 Is anyone gonna be in the pit for this show? I'm Gold VIP with a pit seat, but am going alone. HALP. @@frankestrella I'm confused. The GOLD package comes with a seat in one of the numbered sections. The pit does not have any seats - it's standing room only. GOLD package comes with a reception with food and that is why they let you in early - well, for that and for crowd free shopping at the merch table. I have Silver VIP. Super exciting. I've never been to this venue. Will they let people park early or do they open the gates at a certain time? What time is everyone thinking of showing up? SILVER packages are let in the venue much earlier than everyone else. Live Nation numbers you and puts you in a line according to number. The number represents who arrived first. Live Nation will walk the SILVER packages in a single file to the pit which works out amazingly well. There is no running or pushing - it was the most organized experience I have ever had. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dirkdabo 17 Posted May 12, 2015 The email I was sent says my check-in time is 4:30pm, the pre-show reception is 5-6:30pm, but the doors open to the PUBLIC at 6pm. So Silver VIP is probably going to be let in a bit before then. I'm not sure when I will be able to go to the pit since I'm not gonna be grouped together with the Silver VIPs. I'm hoping either before or at the same time, I don't want to get there after the general public and be forced to stand in the way back. Is your ticket at will call or were you allowed to print it at home? The email I got says check-in time is 5:30pm and that I'll receive my ticket when I check in. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dirkdabo 17 Posted May 12, 2015 SILVER packages are let in the venue much earlier than everyone else. Live Nation numbers you and puts you in a line according to number. The number represents who arrived first. Live Nation will walk the SILVER packages in a single file to the pit which works out amazingly well. There is no running or pushing - it was the most organized experience I have ever had. Do you know how many Silver VIP's there are? I'm still trying to figure out what time I can start waiting in line. Does the venue even let people start lining up much earlier in the day? And I don't know details about parking yet either. Super excited about the show! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
buster 152 Posted May 12, 2015 Do you know how many Silver VIP's there are? I'm still trying to figure out what time I can start waiting in line. Does the venue even let people start lining up much earlier in the day? And I don't know details about parking yet either. Super excited about the show! In Houston, there were over 100 Silver packages. In Dallas, I think it was closer to 80 of them. I got in line at 3:30am in Houston and was 13th in line for Silver. Many people spent the night and camped out. I don't know about the venue in your area but both Houston and Dallas allowed camping over night. Gold packages are let in first before Silver BUT they are let in to the reception area where there is food and stuff. It's like a little party. Then they let Silver in, keep you in a holding area, and then walk us to the pit. After the Gold package party, Gold can go and buy merchandise before the general crowd comes in and then they go and find their seat. Gold packages are not in the pit. 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frankestrella 25 Posted May 12, 2015 @@buster The easiest way to explain it is VIP Nation messed up the presale for the packages. When I tried getting Silver, it would give me a seat, and Gold was the one I had to buy for the pit ticket. I got an email saying they messed up and I had the option of either keeping the pit or getting the seats behind the pit. I obviously chose pit since that's why I bought the package. My only question is since I have a different package and I get let in first, what are some theories as to when I get to stray from the group and be let into the pit? 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
buster 152 Posted May 12, 2015 @@buster The easiest way to explain it is VIP Nation messed up the presale for the packages. When I tried getting Silver, it would give me a seat, and Gold was the one I had to buy for the pit ticket. I got an email saying they messed up and I had the option of either keeping the pit or getting the seats behind the pit. I obviously chose pit since that's why I bought the package. My only question is since I have a different package and I get let in first, what are some theories as to when I get to stray from the group and be let into the pit? You will receive an email 3 to 5 days prior to the event from Live Nation. You will have an on-site host that you can call to ask those questions. Such a strange situation you are in. I will keep that email handy if I were you because something sounds fishy about that. People either have a Gold package or a Silver package. Gold has seats, Silver does not. At the venue, they will ask you if you have Gold or Silver. If you say Gold, they will line you up with the people who have seats. You don't get to "stray away" from any group - you're either in one or the other. If you are in the pit with a package, Live Nation walks everyone in a single file to the pit at the same time for early entry. If they gave you a choice to either get Gold with a seat or Silver in the pit, you would think they would send you a new email confirming your package. If I were you, i would contact the on-site host to make sure. You should have received that email already if your show is in 2 days. The on-site host's name and cell number is in that email. I would contact her before I go and line up early in the morning or the night before - get it confirmed from her. Good luck and have fun @@frankestrella!!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frankestrella 25 Posted May 12, 2015 @@buster Just tried contacting the host, she said to contact VIP Nation. So I did that, they said that my host would have the answers. Looks like my experience is gonna be a surprise? Wish me even more luck. 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
buster 152 Posted May 12, 2015 @@frankestrella Yikes!!! Good luck! I am sure it will be resolved. You are gonna have the best time regardless. Keep us posted!!! 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
naachoboy 7,995 Posted May 13, 2015 @@strange weather 1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
strange weather 1,955 Posted May 13, 2015 @@strange weather is the thread title wrong, then? confusing! but ty. 0 Quote let me be who i'm meant to be Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
naachoboy 7,995 Posted May 13, 2015 is the thread title wrong, then? confusing! but ty. mess i thought it said may 12th lol 0 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MinigunsNRoses 17 Posted May 15, 2015 Is anyone here? Lol I'm WAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY in the back. Hahaha... :/ 0 Quote "Atheism is not a religion. I know that because I am an atheist and my religion is Lana Del Rey!" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites