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Charli XCX

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That's only you then cause the whole mixcxtape is amazing and slightly better than N1A. The only song I usually skip is I Got It (but only because of those trashy features by Brooke and Pabllo)


you spelled "having different tastes in music" wrong (that doesn't apply when you think ponyboy is one of the best songs of the year tho LMFAO mess)

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you spelled "having different tastes in music" wrong (that doesn't apply when you think ponyboy is one of the best songs of the year tho LMFAO mess)


And I was just sharing my opinion, no need to feel attacked sis. 


And leave SOPHIE alone - Ponyboy goes off.

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I love Poop 2 but putting 3 songs that are in the same key back to back on the tracklist.... was a choice.

delicious, unlock it and porsche are all really good songs though, a 3-sharp trifecta


check out reputation, nine songs are in the same key

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um no because she actually performed GMYL Live??? 


yes she's obviously lipsyncing, but she also lipsync to Daddy Knows and you're not complaining bout that sooooo


because daddy knows was actually her song at one point ;) 


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Can she or Steve Aoki release 'Run For Your Money' already? I'm sick of playing the LQ snippet on repeat, It's A BOP. 


btw a daddy knows studio demo exists.


someone leak it  :defeated:

I would never hurt you

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Let’s talk. Track 10 is severely underrated. It’s such an anthem and a perfect closer. I love how experimental A.G. got with the production here. It feels like such a journey. She really should close concerts with this song. It’s flawless.

It wasn't only AG on that one it was also Life Sim, it sounds like Life Sim had a bigger impact on that song tbh with all the computer generated sounds

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