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ty for these!! catching so many little details i didnt before 




next level charli - totally didnt catch the ancient gfoty vocal sample or the dreamer/round and round XCX "OOH" sample in the version w vocals bc the vocals are so powerful lol 


gone - i think these instrumentals left the sends in so it's cool to hear all the residual reverb going on waaaay in the background

cross you out - that glitchy little fill on sky's prechorus is cool, prob wouldve missed it otherwise


1999 - nothing really cool hiding here tbh besides those little wobbly synths in the second prechorus


click - the actual fucking mouse clicks!!!! theyre used like hi-hats...brilliance. the "yeah yeah yeah" under kim's woo-ah too, totally missed that.


warm - kind of amazing how the whole song is made from the same 2-bar synth and bass loops. you dont really realize it with the vocals but this track is like, shockingly basic omg 


thoughts - the fact that its a synthesizer does not take away from the fact that this song on a sonic level is nothing but 808s and accordions!!!


blame it on your love - nothing new


white mercedes - nothing new but if youve never noticed the high synth that doubles the "hate myself i really love you" line its super prominent now


silver cross - its funny that the chorus synth just starts doing the kick rhythm instead of hitting every beat after a while


i don't wanna know - just, so much reverb


official - the acoustic guitar on the bridge omg, acoustic guitar on this album at all even... 


shake it - here we fucking GO. its amazing how much of this beat is made from vocals it's so empty without them. freedia's verse is so chaotic, those synths are NUTS. the end of pabllo's verse is so huge and then it ends DRY. love that.


feb17 - heres your chance to realize if you havent that yaeji's verse was chopped up and used as an instrumental stem in this song!! to the point where its not even considered a vocal to remove from the instrumental! weird


2099 - nothing about this song works out of context it just kinda sounds like a big mess lmao



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Whats Yaeji saying in Feb17? My lazy ass cant copy and paste on google translate


for what I've seen and read it's something like


That one word I said so timidly

Isn’t it too late to want to apologize for saying that I’m sorry?


Also I've loved 2099 video and White Mercedes is an album  Top5 to me


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the chorus on Shake It from 0:34 until Big Freedia's verse is immaculate, the autotune sounds so good on this  :defeated:

also, fight me but only cupcakKe and Pabllo Vittar sound good on this, I never liked Brooke Candy anyways



brooke has the best part tbbhhhhh  :lanahairflip:

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