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A DVD or Blu-Ray release of the Honeymoon tour?

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I really hope so, the set-list is interesting and she could officially release Serial Killer and Us Against The World. Anybody spot any filming crews yet? I know it has only been one date so far, but an official video release would be kiiller, I can't believe she hasn't released on yet!

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There was a profesionall film team crew at the hollywood cemetery shows and we still don't have anything  :toofunny:

the only professional tour recordings we have are 3 songs from the paradise tour (thanks to o2 uk).


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Hopefully.I really want to own a LDR Tour DVD one day but i think its down to Lana's confidence/how she carries her self on stage.Judging by how she handled her self -which was brilliant - couple of nights back I can really see one actually been professionally produced and released. 


She's starting to really blossom as a performer on stage and most importantly live which is something I really honestly didn't think I would get to see.LoL so yeah I'm proud of her and I hope she is with herself too.... :)


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