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LDR5 - Pre-Pre-Release Annual Meltdown and Discussion Thread

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Oh my God, I meant it as a way of saying "posts information first", not as if china.palace has truly access to stuff.

Regardless of its fakeness, it always posts things first through stealing of someone else's contacts and information.

Either way, they really post things a little bit ahead, so maybe it's something to believe in, THAT'S what I meant.


Sometimes it's hard to just comment something in here without it becoming an argument.

I was not trying to make this an argument, your post was just worded badly, sorry if it came out as rude or something :)




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Uhm the way they find out things quickly is through this place.

hahaha I remember when they posted a snippet of Terrence Loves You on the day the album cover was released with the iTunes pre-order a few hours before it was released but the song wasn't in here yet. Either way, reagardless of it's contacts, it's a stealer just the same, since Sirens.

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I was not trying to make this an argument, your post was just worded badly, sorry if it came out as rude or something :)

It's fine, I guess it was really me, I got irritated when I saw my comment being misunderstood. Sorry if I got ahead of myself and sounded rude too! 


PS: I get why Lana doesn't do interviews anymore now. 

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He did give previews of fine China way before it leaked tho so he does have access to leaked content I guess but whatever, maybe all the hackers have info we don't have and are just really not spilling it

Lmao at least try harder like we know it's you boo


Anyways @eclipse is always in the know so I'm inclined to think something will be announced. I know I'll be spamming her with questions either way :oprah3:


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China.palace is like Eclipse, it always gets information first, so I think it's something to believe in. 

But either way... what would it mean?

no they do not they are a stupid imposter named Jorge who is still going on with this ridiculous act 

"It's 2011, and we should all be aware of exactly how fast technology is developing" - Lana Del Rey

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Yall. It is our moral DUTY to RALLY TOGETHER for this live stream and BOMBARD Lana with QUESTIONS about the new album. Our DUTY. Our voices shall be heard and our thirsts quenched, amen

FmgKWb8.gif?1     HNqlJGD.gif

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We should discuss what we're going to ask - I think our first priority should be to ask her when ldr5 is coming out that is what we should spam her wid to begin with


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we should all comment the same question so she actually sees it and answers it


she's going to be seeing a lot of people commenting different stuff very quickly, but if we all say the same thing theres nothing else she could do

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we should all comment the same question so she actually sees it and answers it


she's going to be seeing a lot of people commenting, but if we all say the same thing theres nothing else she could do

Exactly so maybe we can have like a schedule of questions or something lol


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Omg I had a dream about the livestream and I don't remember anything she said but the comments were going extremely fast and they were basically all "lana I love you omfg" instead of questions and I feel like that's actually what's gonna happen lmfao

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Omg I had a dream about the livestream and I don't remember anything she said but the comments were going extremely fast and they were basically all "lana I love you omfg" instead of questions and I feel like that's actually what's gonna happen lmfao


thats why were trying to get a group of people who actually ask questions

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