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Lust For Life - Post-Release Discussion Thread + Poll

Lust for Life  

294 members have voted

  1. 1. What are your favourite tracks from Lust for Life?

    • Love
    • Lust for Life
    • 13 Beaches
    • Cherry
    • White Mustang
    • Summer Bummer
    • Groupie Love
    • In My Feelings
    • Coachella - Woodstock in my Mind
    • God Bless America - and All the Beautiful Women in It
    • When The World Was at War We Kept Dancing
    • Beautiful People Beautiful Problems
    • Tomorrow Never Came
    • Heroin
    • Change
    • Get Free

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I have just realised LFL has gone from 9.3 user score in Metacritic to 7.9. People are trying to take it down and if you look at the latest user reviews, they are written by Lorde fans. They are coming for blood, aren't they?

They're evil

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In the moment like this I always ask myself 'why're people stupid?' I know that they want all the best for Lorde but hating without even listening is just fucking stupid. We can do the same and give Lorde 0 but why? Melodrama is really good album and I don't see a point in this childish struggle. 


When LFL was released, many Lana fans were giving a 0 to Melodrama and it went from 9.1 to 8.9 because of Lana fans, so I guess this is their answer...

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so after 4 days of straight listening to the album:




White Mustang

Summer Bummer

13 Beaches




Lust For Life







Tommorow Never Came

Groupie Love

Get Free

In My Feelings






need more time to decide:

God Bless America

When The World was at War

Beautiful people



still this album needs more time to see how it will rank between the others... but i don't think it will touch Honeygod

The summers hot and i've been cold without you... watch me: https://www.youtube.com/thisisruskoatqq1.jpg

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Fantano can have whatever opinion his stupid ass wants to have. Its just that if he wants to review lana he needs to stop being a dickhead on purpose. If you think about it, his lana reviews arent even reviews, theyre like "lana bashing time" or "judging the person instead of the music"


In each.single.one. of his lana reviews he brings up her SNL performance, her past lizzy career, her plastic surgery past, the guardian review, etc.


All things that have nothing to do with the actual album!


And he said he loved HM? How are you gonna love an album and then give it a 5/10? In America, thats failing a test.


The idiot can choke and his lana reviews shouldnt be taken seriously


Actually I don't care about Fontano. I don't watch his reviews cause I don't like his attitude in general and his sense of humour is just not my cup of tea. Since he gave BTD a 2 and UV a 3 I really can't take his scores serious, that's simply ridiculous.


But on a more general note – when I was younger I always thought that music reviews are important and that it's fun to trash "bad" albums (= albums I don't like). But nowadays I think it's just a waste of time to watch someone critizing an artists works – if I don't like a band I move on. Life's too short for boring music. A harsh review imho says more about the "flaws" of the reviewer's perception than about the shortfalls of an album...


Yes, maybe LFL would've been an even better album if Lana had left out 2 songs (f.ex. SB and IMF) and if Coachella had no cheap trap beats, so that probably blocks her from getting 10/10 reviews in the media like Lorde got. But that's  just personal taste and if Fontano doesn't like Lana – so what? We love her and that's all that matters. :)

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I have a question did she lip sync White Mustang yesterday? i think she really did...

I dont think so, but on the setlist sheet it said *new BV* next to white mustang, so maybe thats what you're hearing

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I dont think so, but on the setlist sheet it said *new BV* next to white mustang, so maybe thats what you're hearing



i tried to focus on her lips moves "at the end" they don't really match the songs so maybe only the end was like that 


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i tried to focus on her lips moves "at the end" they don't really match the songs so maybe only the end was like that 


i don't think lip syncing BUT the track including vocals were really loud and sometimes she would sing along just whenever instead of the whole way through, you can hear how loud the backing was on the clip of UV when she avoids singing the hit with a kiss part lel. The vocal efforts were pretty meh. 


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My ranking for all her albums


UV > HM > LFL > BTD > P > AKA


(I do love AKA but out of all her albums i'd put it last just because it's quite mellow all the way through, however i do find it her most fascinating and unique style of work... great aesthetic)



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