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Little Boy Velvet

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This is my new single. It's not from an album, and is intended to be a standalone piece in itself. I hope you get caught up in it somehow. It was a pretty cathartic thing to make at this point in my life.



You can download it for free on Bandcamp!  :D



Well, that changed. No. Not the last sentence. The first one. This actually has led into a bigger project, and I now have another single out for it (the "single" itself is technically only the first 3 minutes, with the rest being an interlude on the album. 


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My fourth album is here early for super favorite forums I frequent!  :hooker:  (It goes on steaming platforms and such September 27th.)




To gauge an idea of what the album is, it was very spur of the moment, but I hope you guys dig it. 


Please leave feedback if you don't though, because I really thrive off of and build off of criticism.  :sluttybunny:

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SURE FEELS LIKE HELL is a track I made today and it really resonated with me in a very "final" way I couldn't quite explain. I dropped it as a single planning an album, but that "final" just wouldn't go away. So I did a compilation album to finish the decade, and it's called... well.... 


In picking the tracks from my four albums, I went less on the lyrics (which are mostly just my poetry anyway), and focused more on the soundscapes and how they correlated with the feelings and viewpoints that come through in my words. A lot of the imagery is nostalgic, often melodramatic, a bit self-aware and sarcastic (especially when it comes to my not-so-perfect vocals.) I also kept in mind the ones that got the most positive responses from comments and reviews factoring to that, too. 

Little Boy Velvet, to me, is just a very cartoony representation of my expression of being a queer millennial and reflecting on how much has changed around me over the decades since being a farmboy in Amish country in rural Ohio to an aimless gay married man outside of Seattle. It's a way to channel my anxiety and fears into a soundscape that makes it feel... better. 

I'm just hoping it comforts others the way it does me. Music is fucking magic. 

Please feel free to rate it! Review it! Thanks so much!!!

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Hey guys!


I usually just kinda post things and wanna let my art speak for itself and what it says to you, etc. etc. 


But my upcoming album - my sixth in... uh.. two years (I'm discussing you know... taking a break and/or sitting on projects longer. I just get too excited for feedback and want to improve lol) is about halfway done, and I'm just absolutely proud of it in a way I haven't been with a music project. I've even been sitting on it longer, taking my time, and really thinking about it and how I'm going to go about releasing it.


I do, however, have an album cover and title and wanted to drop that right now.


Also, while the songs are all demos, I am considering sharing one tonight if anybody's interested (although, keep in mind, it be a demo and subject to changes or even being scrapped.)


Anywho, let me know if you want me to share a demo tonight, or if I should just keep my word and sit on your face releasing anything from it.




...so pretentious

the new album by Little Boy Velvet / release date: tba

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Hey guys. As you know, I live in Seattle, so its been a really chaotic stressful year. Not only have I dealt with depression (four years long) and recently went for treatment. Now, I'm with a sickness and so are all my friends and neighbors right now. Going out to a store, the coughs are terrifying, as is the overall "atmosphere" out there. This became the "feeling" that influenced this new album. 


As yet untitled, I'm not giving it a release date (although I'm aiming maybe June this year.) I might just share it with a private link, as I'm also debating submitting my stuff to ears, but at a crossroads figuring how the hell to even begin there.


Make You Want to Come Home

Those Sleepless Nights

To Say the Least


And then just dropped this little demo sample today: I Appreciate You (demo), which is one of three tracks (the other two I'm not sharing as of yet) that were recorded while I've been sick. 

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