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Blue Rev

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Posts posted by Blue Rev

  1. New interview with The Guardian


    Some interesting tidbits



    It soon began to feel as if she was “a dancing monkey in a circus. It’s very like, ‘Oh, she’s so funny on Twitter, she’s so relatable’ and then it becomes this big weird joke cycle,” she says. Although she stresses that she loves the support and adoration of her fans, she says it can become demoralising to not have her art met on the level she’d like it to be: “Don’t get me wrong, laughter and memes and jokes are always really fun. But when you want to post something to be consumed seriously, people are still joking – and then you get like, thousands of comments that are like, ‘silly goose’. All of a sudden, you start to feel like you can’t turn off the memeable internet personality thing.”



    Earlier this month, she deleted her Twitter, leaving fans aghast. “I always kind of conflated openness with honesty and I thought that if I was completely transparent and bared every aspect of my soul that people would think I was relatable and kinda cool,” she says. “Then I was like, I don’t want to know you. I don’t want to be friends with you. I don’t want to have all of my personal business and every innermost thought just out there on the internet for the world to see.”



    Right now, aside from an impending tour, Anhedönia is living the quiet life in Pittsburgh – “I just sit in my cave all day and write or embroider, watch a movie, play a game. My friends and I will go to the woods or a river, anywhere there’s not a lot of people” – and working on the follow-up to Preacher’s Daughter. “I’m trying to push my own envelope a bit. I’m trying to be super intentional about it and careful and dedicated and meticulous. Some of the songs I’m proudest of are on this project.”



    Still, she is conscious of where her music goes, and says “no to most opportunities … I’ve been asked to share some stages with some artists, I’ve been asked to sing on some songs with some big artists, and I just had to say no, because I don’t want to be up there with them, I really don’t,” she says. “ I really do want to reiterate how grateful I am for everyone who’s ever said a nice word about my music. But I really think there can be too much of a good thing – there’s just some levels of success that I really don’t want for myself.”



  2. 29 minutes ago, BoardingSchool said:

    I was really annoyed that Gn'R played for about eleventy hours (every time I clicked over, they were still going) while Lana was cut off. :pft: New QFTC: what the fuck, Glasto?? However, she looked and sounded amazing, and my headcanon is that she was late because she went over to watch her husband Axl for awhile first. :peace: 


    GNR started at 21:30, Lana wasn't scheduled to start until an hour later and then was half an hour late.


    ot: Still no sign of this on iPlayer :rip: like it never happened

  3. 3 hours ago, LBcita said:

    she is not the first artist to be late to a show and she will not be the last


    2 hours ago, White Dress said:

    I’m not defending it but I’m just saying… 30 minutes late is very normal for festivals and even regular concerts, honestly even up to an hour is very typical 


    Ah yes, the "everyone else does it so it's fine!" argument :gclap:develop some standards. It's rude and unprofessional, period.


    ot: This really was her best performance in years and it's such a shame she couldn't have just gotten her shit together and got there on time, or scrapped Bartender/White Mustang and fit Tunnel/VG in at least. 

    3 minutes ago, venicebitch said:

    her set is the only one that hasn't been uploaded to bbc player... they hate her fr


    Right, I'm certain she really pissed them off with her headliner complaint or something else cos they did NO promo for her yesterday either whilst hyping up the rest of the headliners all day. Don't see them inviting her back after this debacle. 

  4. Just now, DrunkBeautyQueen said:

    There’s a difference between holding your fave accountable and being over the top mean and nasty. Lana is a sensitive person who’s taken a lot in her career and I’m just not sure why comments that rude are necessary. 


    The fact that she's taken shit her entire career is the prime example of why she should show up when people are expecting her :rip: she is not doing herself any favours

  5. Just now, DrunkBeautyQueen said:

    “Fans” get online and say shit like this and then have the nerve to lose their minds when she deletes her social media 


    I did not give a fuck when she deleted her Instagram either time :rip: she releases great studio albums but lets be real, she dgaf about performing and she should just save peoples time and not book these gigs if she's gonna act like a diva and not even have the courtesy to show up on time when she's been doing fuck all for the past month. Remove the stan goggles.

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