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Blue Rev

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Posts posted by Blue Rev

  1. remember it will likely never be as bad as it was for Travis Scott fans, he announced ASTROWORLD in May 2016, announced it as having a 2017 release date, released a totally different album in late 2016 (which was pretty bad btw), before finally releasing ASTROWORLD in August 2018, over two years after its announcement. A mess  :facepalm:


    Please go into the Sky Ferreira thread...

    I can't access the full article because I'm not subscribed but apparently Lana was going to do Glastonbury but backed out  :crossed:



    ugh but WHY  :defeated:  she's performing so many festival dates around then

  2. wasn't she having label issues last year ??? maybe they're getting in the way of the release, because i'm pretty she has an album worth of material to put out


    no, she said on Twitter the other day that she was making new songs (Pretty Dark) instead of finishing the album and that she wasn't even feeling passionate about the album anymore because all the songs are like 2 years old  :rip:  inb4 scrapped

  3. She really should have just shut the fuck up until she knew the album was definitely slated for release. She's been teasing this for well over a year now and it's irritating. Even admitting on Twitter that she's working on new material instead of finishing up the album like.... what? And now she's backtracking and songs that she originally announced aren't even on the damn album... ugh


    I know fans have no "right" to an artists music and we should be patient, but it's so fucking annoying when they tease it on social media for literal months/years and make promises that they don't stick to. I get that there's label drama/stuff behind the scenes that we don't see but even still, that should teach you even more to just keep the information to yourself until everything is set in stone.


    I also laugh at that Apple promo she did: "I hate permission. If I want to drop something I just drop it".... yet she's on Twitter every other week moaning about her label/management interfering. Hush up, finish the album and then talk. 


    The new song is cute, but nobody was really asking for it. How about That's What the Drugs are For or So Heavy which you've been teasing since last Spring? I'm getting sick of these girls...

  4. she said end of March on Twitter and presuming it's released on a Friday like most songs are, the release date she's talking about is probably the 29th... I still don't believe it's actually coming though. And even if it does, the album probably won't be released anytime soon.

  5. from the P4K interview:



    And when I tour whether I'm like at The Shrine in LA or in Norway or whatever there's 20 rows you know of like my gay fans and i can see, I know that, I can tell and I don't really know and I think we probably share a sense of vulnerability maybe being on one end of the stick thats not always so easy but having the personality and the flair and finesse and fire to make our own way to whatever that unique, probably creative, end goal is whether it's in the arts or whatever and so many of the people i work with and friends are gay artists - Johnny Blue Eyes, my stylist, another guy Brett


  6. The closest thing I remember is this  :rip:



    I’ve only recently become aware of the heterosexual males who are into my music. I remember when I was 16, I had a boyfriend. I think he was... 25? I thought that was the best thing. He had an F-150 pickup and let me drive it one time. I was so high up! I panicked and was worried I might kill someone -- run over a nun or something. I started to shake. I was screaming and crying. I saw him looking over, and he was smiling. He said, “I love that you’re out of control.” He saw how vulnerable I was, how afraid, and he loved that. The balance shifted from there. I had the upper hand -- until then.



  7. Who is yungelita and how is she a pedophile?


    this instafamous chick who is friends with Melanie and was in the TYI and Mad Hatter videos https://www.instagram.com/yungelita/


    apparently she liked a tonne of illegal p*rn (kiddie, necrophilia etc) on Tumblr and has weird DDGG/serial killer kinks. She made her Tumblr private and deleted all her likes after someone on PULL exposed her for it.


    some receipts here but obviously there's no shots of the illegal stuff: https://melanie-martinez.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:LittleJackk/Exposing_Yungelita_(Including_Receipts_and_Proof)

  8. Omg shes playing Pitchfork Festival in July. The last time she played there she was on film laughing about Freddie Mercury dying of AIDS and spent her entire set clenching her jaw while sobbing because she was on ecstasy.


    queen of gurning



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