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The Siren

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Everything posted by The Siren

  1. What's the difference between pre release and pre pre release?
  2. The Siren

    Billie Eilish

    have you heard half the album?
  3. only for this release https://www.discogs.com/Tracy-Nelson-Mother-Earth-Poor-Mans-Paradise/release/6028576 the rest are under Columbia (most), CBS (one) and Retroworld (one)
  4. was the producer Dr Luke? if so he deserved to never get paid. but thats another mess entirely.
  5. this is what i use https://www.photopea.com/ its a pretty good free knockoff of photoshop.
  6. https://open.spotify.com/track/5kSWuFuOYi6hwqtHACANEm?si=488150edc9c0455e
  7. if we have to wait till the winter then this photo will have to be edited with snow surrounding her or if we have to wait until May 20, 2022 just like the NFR wait
  8. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    That is exactly what the post you quoted said
  9. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    The fries could be unhappy meal
  10. I've posted a thread from another forum here that clarifies but I can't find it in that other forum cos the search function is fucked ?
  11. Yeah. The song leaked before Love was released so she decided to remove it from the album along with Yosemite.
  12. The Siren

    Melanie Martinez

    No it's still just a snippet of a short ass song. If it leaks it'd be a cute intro to an unreleased mixtape. Was it recorded in 2019?
  13. It'll be the album's introduction and reprised as it's encore
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