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Everything posted by naachoboy

  1. But bonus tracks =/= deluxe tracks , we got the deluxe tracks right away but not the bonus
  2. We didnt get the name Flipside and Is This happiness right away
  3. The titles are a lot more intriguing this time around than in UV or Paradise.
  4. it recognizes a lot of ther unreleased songs, because they are on youtube.
  5. I know what you mean but i don't get why yall complain about lyrics when we know how is Lana's songwriting, and we havent heard the song yet so why judge it, it really depends on how is her vocal delivery and the production of it.
  6. PLUS stop judging songs without hearing them first, we have been on the same shit a lot of times, specially with Ultraviolence, when we got SOC lyrics and everyone trashed them, now its almost a fan favorite.
  7. Since when is Lana a lyrical genius or something lol Her lyrics are usually not the greatest, but she has the whole package, image, sound and lyrics
  8. the fucking letters on the truck tho... without them i would be ok
  9. yeah probably not the next single but the promo single
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