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Everything posted by cherriesinthespring

  1. I had the same prob with groupie love but it eventually showed up. Idk. I wouldn't worry
  2. Her high notes can still be so haunting/dark. Yayo, god knows I tried, fine China for examples. Our girl knows how to make us feel a certain way not matter what time she uses. So iconic
  3. That is cool! You should do it with a still image if the gif won't work, it's still awesome
  4. Speak for yourself, I love the 2 new songs and will love them for a long time. Same with Love. Lfl the song on the other hand, I hate and Coachella is obviously bad. 3 out of 5 are amazing for me and cherry will be as well and it sounds to me like there are going to be some iconic songs that we haven't heard yet (WTWWAWWKD, white mustang)
  5. I hope that's just an unflattering pic cuz yeah... Lfl preorder is above Tyler's preorder on itunes
  6. http://instagram.com/p/BWdodfblDFi/ Is this supposed to be the cover? She should hire some of the members on LB for help Edit; she deleted the Instagram post but this is what it was:
  7. Lmao no I didn't know! I figure since this site is full of rap haters lots of members don't know so I wanted to share. And thanks these songs deserve better, no justice - no peace!
  8. Guys I just learned something and I want to share it with you so everyone is in the know and cool as heck It is a faux pas to call a$ap rocky just "asap". There are TONS of rappers named a$ap __something__ and there is an entire a$ap mob. So if we shorten his name it is best to call him Rocky. I'd like to thank r/hiphopheads for this enlightenment
  9. I don't get the back cover. Why does she look so pissed? She looks so annoyed about something and she's in front of a semi truck and wearing a cute dress. It's like her date brought her to a truck stop and she's heated about it and he took a photo of her
  10. When I first saw the title summer bummer I made fun of it so much but it's currently my fave track
  11. Yosemite was found dead. Lana murdered it. Scrapped
  12. I mean there's no registration or whatever but we know about it bc eclipse posted the lyrics at the same time he posted the lyrics to Love and Lana direct messaged him about it. I'm not digging through the tragic pre pre release thread it happened in but it's pretty legit
  13. It's a mystery lol. The lyrics go something like "you chose the SR" so possibly short road but who knows.
  14. Pretty sure he has SR tho, I really want to hear that
  15. She has the weirdest handwriting. Why løst for life with a u above it lol I feel like it means something
  16. I need to get on with my life can BBC plz get the show on the road
  17. Well we want to hear how it sounds considering how much she talked about it
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