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Everything posted by issgouding

  1. this cause even 12 tracks can be boring enough
  2. 20 tracks with 5 fillers is still better then 12 tracks with 5 fillers i can't at people here dont want 20 tracks
  3. if the album really has 20 tracks we know how lazy lana is so she will have 10 on this album and save 10 for the next album
  4. what no ? i remmber when rihanna posted a pic of her doing the final touch (in bed ) 1 week before the release and everyone was Shockthen
  5. Ok rihanna's album unpolegetic had tracklist and everything and she was recording it 1 week bedore the album drops so
  6. No muslim fans will be in Ramadane by june and its so bad listneing to a new lana and you r fasting
  7. this is my birthday lana come on give us something :sad:
  8. did'nt she put honeysay 10 days before the release on preorder ?
  9. the fact i played ''young and in lovee'' to everyone i knew and ask them what do they thnk about this masterpiece is just
  10. let's be honest ladies we are so selfish and ungratful and we want everything now Look at lord she is not doing anything excpt puting 2 songs like lana and A preorder no tracklist no promo songs no teasing no anything and no one draged her At this point enough promo songs i only need a preorder and a tracklist now or at least if BAR is on the album she better put it out with the album preorder and save the rest for the album
  11. issgouding

    Dua Lipa

    like i said on atrl no goodbyes garden are the only good songs on the album
  12. she does not fucking care and she is tortoring us i hope she flops oh well she is aready flopping bye
  13. am i the only one who do not know that ''Stevie Nicks ' and i had to google her
  14. I guess she will release a new messy song with preorder and then release the music video of LFL with the same week as the album release
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