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Everything posted by issgouding

  1. of course none of those people asked her about the album cause they dont even listen to her
  2. not that mexico shit still retweeting that preorder thing bye
  3. Stop with ''lana does not care about charts '' of course she does and she wishes
  4. At this point i guess we will get one more song before the album no promo singles i hate when everything hit me at once
  5. this is brand new information .gif omg i said that the other day everytime i play love to my friends they say its depressing
  6. mess at u all lying that she said ''i'm excied to share lust for life with you'' she did not even montionned it
  7. come on lana post that tracklist today and probabaly those 10 copies will make your album 1 on itunes ww
  8. you will gift 10 copies of Lust for life on itunes to 10 gays from here if it's not true ? is it a deal ?
  9. girls it's not about promo ..what if this album is another honeyslow i swear they will drag her to death (honeymoon is my fav lana's album tho )
  10. the fact we might get 10 new tracks and she will flop and her label will drop her and then we will wait for her to find another label for like 2 years (lazy bitch) and she will take another 2 years to record another one and hey 2021
  11. stop this mess who cares what genre she is doing we need a new song
  12. delete your taste delete your acount delete your life delete your self
  13. watch the preorder be up only with love no track list and no new song
  14. https://twitter.com/UMusicMexico/status/853374883128016897/photo/1 Preorder???
  15. so i guess i'm the only one who hates Stargirl
  16. But he did Stargirl too i can't with that song her vocals were unmastred or something i bet she recorded it with her phone and sent it to him
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