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Everything posted by issgouding

  1. https://www.instagram.com/p/BSdbNbGAJvl/?taken-by=honeydelgrant ''hope you enjoy lfl''' ok Ben but where is it?
  2. i swear i can't take it anymore i don't even sleep at night cause of this fucking album Lana sis i have a lifee
  3. they are busy promoting dua lipa ..the fact they mentioned Dua lipa on lana interview is just
  4. who said she film this maybe she wanted to be everywhere on the set
  5. i swear i wish she never posted that trailer now
  6. stop i remmber when she released love she said on comments somthing like'' Love is a perfect lead single''
  7. i beleive like she said on the trailer ''in the middle of making this record"" bye
  8. i can't at hals-ay shit is getting all this free promo
  9. SCREAMING I downloaded the audio before i even listen ..Byeee
  10. you did it all for faaaaaaaaamee tell me how life is treating you now?
  11. what if all the rest of songs have features lana sis you can keep it i don't neeed any feature not even the weekned
  12. someonje sharzm that intro of the video maybe it's a song
  13. what if this is the moologue that abel wrote for her and there is not track title for it
  14. the Love fillter makes me think that Love is alive and breathing and we still have to wait for the next step
  15. this is exactly what i thought when i heard HBTB chorus for the first time
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