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Everything posted by issgouding

  1. clearly benny did the drums aka the best thing on the song
  2. She looked like a mess Her vocals were horrible the setlists is disgasting no new songs byee love was disgasting livee Me fucking my exam tomorow cause of this bye
  3. i neeeeeeeeeed a linkkkkkkkkkkk not instg please
  4. i have feeling she is going to fuck it up vocaly and quit music after
  5. i have exam tomorow i swear lana sis if we don't get any info
  6. Not you all excpting something after the the show we know lana she will sing and she will be gone the next 15 days
  7. if i were a singer i would tease my fans everyday 100 weeks before the album is out Lana sis
  8. i love how queen is torturing her fans they deseve it ..
  9. Chuck's not a bad photographer she is awsome but i don't know why everything she does to lana is awful fight me Honeysaly cover is just
  10. someone better grap that phone and give us LDR5
  11. why do lana's fan torture her like this and leak her songs I guess U have the answer now
  12. inb4 that beeps is from that messy someone who riped the song from somewhere by using something
  13. not you all hating the best thing on BAR aka the glass break ..bye
  14. no finnal is circulating or floating online ..maybe people have it but it still not online and stop with rumours u all are so messy i wish i never joined this fan base
  15. Can we talk for a minute about how bad ur fat whore fav new single is tho
  16. Salvatore religion MTWBT Theblackestday swansong
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