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Everything posted by issgouding

  1. Lanaboards Rules: If Eclipse has the song it's ok If others have it ''Please report it to Fbi'' I hope it does not leak anyway or at least she will release it soon for us
  2. i hope it does not leak or anything i don't want to wait another year for another album we know lana if YAIL leaks and people do not like it she will stop recording and we wont get that album
  3. I don't see any one with this song excpt Eclipse ..so it's not gonna leak it's just rumours
  4. he is alive and breathing and he never hacked lana Maybe someone else
  5. issgouding or his new acount Ultralove Or maybe Rideordie ..one of these two
  6. wth ..she better sue the fuck who upload it somewhere not people that snached it
  7. Sue jan... Katy is taking 4 years and the album is not finished yet byeee
  8. i was so dispointed when i heard Honeymon (song) and HBTB but I cried when i heard MTWBT and Honeymoon album slayed me
  9. Young And In Love Dark blue Young And In Love Blue blue dark dark blue
  10. A mess U all Need to know the Real truth about all the new lana songs
  11. No insiders But Someone teasing all the new Lana songs On Snapchat If you know what i Mean Bye
  12. I don't know You But you seem a good person so why you still did'nt leaked Your Girl for Us
  13. Alot of People On pophatesflops Snashed Fine china it's leaking soon
  14. issgouding


    @@Eclipse leak Civil war by Foxes
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