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Everything posted by issgouding

  1. i Love that guy i guess He is so young and All what he wants is some attention and Money ..But i'm against the fact he gets mad if someone else got something or an information like Bitch why ? you own the right to nothing like everyone else ..And i don't want to see her team sue him because he really does not deserve it ..go close Universal database or Sue the hacker or whatever Not eclipse
  2. That Eclipse does not deserve to be blamed for anything excpt That line that he tweeted her ..Lana should blame the fuck who steals her songs or put them on a publishing site ot whatever ..
  3. i wish i never joined this forum what a messs ..No one has the right to talk about whatever ..wait for lana or STFU
  4. i wish i never joined this forum what a messs ..No one has the right to talk about whatever ..wait for lana or STFU
  5. i wish i never joined this forum what a messs ..No one has the right to talk about whatever ..wait for lana or STFU
  6. Do you really know that you are not the only one who has the right to know what is the title ...Wtf is wrong with you? you own nothing but shit ..you or Us it's the same ..you are not better then anyone ..eat shit
  7. Are'nt you all tired of licking eclipse's asss? i'm not against that guy i love her but this is too much
  8. i will never trust you again I told u to keep it to your self
  9. Even My grand mother Knows the title of the album .. stop acting exclusive
  10. i can't beleive the 2 songs did not leak yet..I hope people won't be that stupid and leak them
  11. some people really has it it leaked somewhere ..Poor lana i still have nothing tho
  12. Do you think lana is the surprise release that HDD is talking about ?
  13. ihave been told the same thing but i dont know if it's true or it's just some rats wantting the song to leak
  14. We all love that guy but It's just stupid to think that Lana and her team will sue everyone else and not Eclipse
  15. Pretty sure the new song came from A publishing site Don't be stupid do you think FBI will sue Everyone else and not Eclipse if The Fbi thing is real Eclispse will be the first one to blame by her lana or her team
  16. if somone had a pic of the video it does 'nt mean he has rhe whole video or the audio i guess nothing more will be leaked
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