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Everything posted by Lust

  1. The font is the same as in the trailer right
  2. That cover should be the pic for cherry tho Where y'all getting it from?
  3. when is the party?EDIT: actually I just checked, the poster said 10 PM I'm guessing L.A time? so it should've started?
  4. I think that website is saying the whole album will be released on June 30 which doesn't sound right
  5. is there a certain time pre-order go up? If they're released like songs, at midnight, if the pre-order is supposed to come today it may come in 23 minutes since that's when itunes refreshes I think (don't take my word for it)
  6. coachella better be reproduced if this is real
  7. if this is real there better be a deluxe version or double album bc so many songs are missing
  8. I was about to say that it looks real other than the fact some songs are missing, but I'm starting to believe your theory...
  9. That's more than what we r probably going to get
  10. Wow can you imagine how amazing that'd be, I'm guessing they'll all be connected just like love and lust for life are? And I remember someone pointing out a while ago that in the album trailer there are 7 planets and they all might represent the planets of the different music vids and that's not really a reach since love and lust for life are on diff planets...
  11. I don't mind her not promoting and being inactive but I just want a lot of qualify music videos for this era, stuff I can look back at and be like WOW it was amazing seeing that for the first time, I kindof feel that way with the lfl and love music video and I definetly appreciate them more than the honeymoon era music bids but I hope there's more music videos to come that are as amazing as btd Paradise and UV music videos. I just really enjoy having great imagery with music. How many more music vids do y'all think we'll be getting? The amazing album trailer we got this era
  12. Lust for Life is officially the most underrated song of this era, idk how yall sleep on it when it has that amazing production with the faint piano in the background and how amazing both of their voices sound. Also the Lana's backup vocals are done so well ik the lyrics aren't as strong but it doesn't stop it from sounding amazing... edit: when tf did this thread hit 1300 lol
  13. YES that would be gorgeous, Lana usually comes through with her album cover, IMO Paradise has the best background although that's pretty photoshopped but at least its not completely fake. The Paradise cover would probably be the best one if the orange tint was toned down and her face was less photoshopped...
  14. that makes me like the cover a bit less tbh, if there's a new cover I hope it has a better outfit and background
  15. Is Lana actually infront of the car in the current album cover or is that photoshopped?
  16. it's been 9 hours since she posted the selfie tho
  17. with all these collabs lust for life should have a lot of first week streams (I hope)
  18. Do we know what kind of instrumentation god bless America and WTWWAWWKD have? If not what do you guys think they'll sound like?
  19. Album photo shoot for side B plz and thanks (Still love the current album cover, just want another one with the album trailer's aesthetic)
  20. It's kinda disappointing to see such good music flop like lfl's singles I don't understand how people don't like her music, I mean they're doing decent on YouTube but in terms of sales and Spotify the singles aren't doing as well...
  21. Lust

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    they're all still on her facebook tho
  22. How photoshopped do you think Lana is in the album cover?
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