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Everything posted by Lust

  1. What time do you guys think it'll be released? 12 AM LA time or in the morning?
  2. I'll be kinda pissed if the interview is released and she doesn't say the release date because they're making us wait for it rn and they could've released it yesterday
  3. If May 26 really is the release date, did she have promo scheduled around the Honeymoon album's release like this time ?
  4. How many website's have said May 26th now? I feel like the number is really big
  5. The fact that is seems horrerish is making me excited for this vid again
  6. Ooh I hear it now, and now I'm exited for the vid
  7. The music at the end was just the song? And before the teaser zooms out from Lana's eye or whatever there was the sound of rain with lust for life muffled so could there be a rain kiss scene?
  8. The lust for lust for life is making people horny for a reason that's unknown to me
  9. I wish I find Lana walking out on the street, have the usual fan freakout when u find ur fav then ask wen the alboom is coming
  10. What time is Lana going on the festival tommorrow?
  11. Aaaaand another one https://www.instagram.com/p/BUSOj0yFdtk/
  12. Oh look another photoshopped pic https://twitter.com/LDReynation/status/865618500408102912
  13. In case y'all still think the Spotify and apple music screen shots r real , yesterday fan accounts were posting them to troll so they're not real, unless there was a second Spotify screenshot bc the one I saw is with Four Leaf Clover as part of the tracklist and that one is definitely fake bc fan accounts were trolling with it yesterday
  14. I really hope Lana announces the date b4 thursday bc me being me I'll be expecting the album on the 26th and if it doesn't come I think me along w the rest of this fandom will be pretty disappointed
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