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Everything posted by Lust

  1. And May 25 is a new moon so if the preorder or album release is May 26 then the announcement could be May 25
  2. If I remember correctly it was around 9:30 AM LA time
  3. I think your on to something because everything this era has been a surprise literally nothing had a release date
  4. Things I want this era (not my expectations at all just sort of like wishes) - world tour - alot more music videos (2-3 more) - more photoshoots - televised performances - more creative merch since she has a pretty unique era this time w the good witch theme - more release dates for like singles and the album obviously, so far everything has been a surprise -some slaying lewks - alternative album cover if the witch theme returns
  5. If they lost hope in it what's the point of them holding it back wouldn't they release it and get it over with?
  6. https://twitter.com/DelReyPoland/status/861652496770641920 Ha nails look long again
  7. Ok since I'm a bit bored it's time for me to start reaching Alright so have y'all noticed on Instagram whenever Lana posts something album related it's tagged w hollyweird as the location? Like the album cover, dazed magazine and lfl (song) cover. There's nothing that's non album related and has a hollyweird location. EXCEPT for the pic w the friendship bracelets w Marina so could it be hinting to a collab ?
  8. When I was a new fan after honeymoon was released I was v excited for ldr5 because it'd be my first time in a Lana era and I always thought that it would be more fun but it's actually a little boring instead bc whenever something comes it's a surprise then it's boring again because I start wanting the full album
  9. Omg I was just recently getting into marina and I was only recently just thinking about what it'd be like if Lana and Marina became friends!
  10. Ppl are always stealing your edits lol
  11. idk why yall are surprised isn't this something lana usually does? Say nothing for a long time then suddenly release a few things? Like when love was released it was quiet for a month then the mini performance came, lfl trailer and the lfl song plus the dazed mag...
  12. Im both counting the days everyday and preparing for my meltdown at the same time. Like I feel like nothing is going to happen yet I'm still excited for that date
  13. Paradise was the peak of her lyrical quality
  14. Is the show over yet? I want her to go on stage and sing lfl so bad
  15. The good sis @stargirl enjoys trolling so I believe that's what that is
  16. All I want rn is for Lana to announce the release date for the album, like what is she waiting for...? It makes me fear that the album is very far away..
  17. What song is the person in the gif talking about
  18. You know what I think I like this better, it feels more personal when she does this and makes me feel happy but I'm just scared she won't have high budget eras again if she flops?
  19. I thought she started caring since she went back to the cinematic sound I guess she just did it for us, her fans
  20. Hmm, a song I really like, although I myself don't know alot Stevie Nicks songs I really like Talk to Me
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