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Posts posted by Lust

  1. bartender is supposed to be upbeat right? I remember thats what she said in early 2018, or it was a something a news outlet said

    When do you guys think we'll be able to listen to the 30 seconds snippets of all the tracks on the album. Does that preview come with the preorder, or? 

    might come earlier than the pre order cause i remember amazon accidentally allowed the previews to play on alexa during LFL

  2. If she really does put out the preorder on Friday, would NZ be getting it in 10 hours? Or would it be a worldwide release?? Does any1 remember what happened w LFL

    during the LFL era the preorder went up everywhere at once but that was because she had premiered groupie love and summer bummer on the beats1 radio and then had the pre order come out with those tracks right after

  3. At first I thought you meant like the album cover photo and I thought it was hilarious bc of course this figment of our imaginations of an album wouldn’t have a cover

    Anyways..I hope it doesn’t have a cover. The only cover I like of hers is doin time which won’t be on it. Rather have an original

    I really cannot stop laughing at the thought of there being no album cover it would suit this era so well omfg

  4. it was a faked screenshot that’s already been deleted y’all kinda dumb....<3

    does that mean just the fact that reasons why is sold is fake or is the sophie and gaga collab also not happening?

  5. I don't mean to be a bummer or to be hating but I really don't understand the praise for gone, it's alright but not one of my favorite charli songs what so ever. Really hoping the singles are the worst songs on the album and it gets better! Im still excited because white mercedes seems great and really excited for the clario yaeji, kim and the cupcakke collabs! and the sky collab better be a sad bitch anthem please

  6. the acting of everyone in this show is so damn good this season left me speechless!

    My hopes for season 4 would be a reconnection with the mystery and darkness of season 1. I'd love to see Elle and Will become close friends living together, as well as Jonathon who we haven't seen much of a development with since s2.

    yess this season was pretty dark too but not in the creepy way season 1 was and I think that's what made it the best, I hope season 4 is creepier. this season had a lot more feelings involved I feel like

  7. So basically today’s performance and comment on the new record means that we can only HOPE it’s coming in august, like she’s still unsure herself...


    Someone please step in and fucking fire Ben already..... he’s such a waste, doing a “job” and being paid for absolutely nothing

    I feel like lana probably just ignores what he tells her to do and does her own thing

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