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Posts posted by theviolence

  1. 1 hour ago, Charlottexseax said:



    Look I know y’all are illiterate and I don’t like having serious discourse on here but: 


    Men and women alike are oppressed (by racism, classism, homophobia, etc), feminism doesn’t aim to “elevate” women to the same status men (which is: still oppressed) but to completely liberate them from all oppressions, which include racism, classism, etc... cause men are still oppressed (not on the basis of their sex, but still oppressed)


    That’s why intersectionality was created, by a black woman (Kimberlé Crenshaw), to tackle all the issues that are outside the strict man/women dicotomy but still affect women in other ways (like racism and classism)



    sorry for the OT but y’all are so ignorant 


    Yeah exactly, feminism is about liberation from patriarchy. Patriarchy is the pervasive structure, the object of feminist discourse.


    "men and women should be equal" is reductive and the only reason it ever gets invoked (including in this thread) is because people want feminism to be palatable by repackaging it into some neoliberal individual responsibility type of idea, totally dodging the idea of dismantling harmful structures. You lot really think feminism is just when men and women get along? And when women are mean to men, they're defeating the feminist mission? Not the girlboss wave of feminism rotting brains 


    That said, marina commodifying feminism is also super lib 


    Also the way Google definitions are being thrown around lol... if only life was so simple. 

  2. I am super not bothered with blue banisters. Maybe this is the definitive point of me having moved past Lana, but I'm just not into it. I just hope I can listen to this album and think "Yes, she did it again!" and feel a newness about her music again. I really liked cocc but the short blue banisters snippet was almost exhausting for me to listen to because I was just searching for something /else/. She used to do it all the time. 


    I hate to be that guy, but the first time I heard the WC snippet? I was floored. Every single from UV was an experience upon release. And then HM, LFL, NFR - every release was a high, every teaser promised something thematically different and sonically ~interesting~. Blue banisters is like when I heard that leaked snippet of LMLYLAW - just overdone, stale, did not want to revisit it. And I can't bring myself to get hyped over the potential building atmosphere in the background lollll but I do hold out hope that BB will be cool nonetheless 


    Also those lyrics are kind of horrible but whatever 

  3. 7 hours ago, Life said:


    not saying that it was right at all, of course it's wrong. and yes, their ancestors, an ancestor being (be definition) a grandparents at minimum. the current royal family had no part to play in that, and by actually every means have brought themselves far away from it and aided in correcting what the british empire did.


    but try and make your teenage woke ass seem interesting and educated by speaking for the countries which were affected, most countries which, by choice, have remained as part of the commonwealth.


    - me when I have the world's most reductive sense of post-colonial politics and believe that the commonwealth is just one, big, happy family


    Calling someone a teenage woke ass doesn't mitigate for the fact that you're deepthroating the imperialist boot 


    I also don't want to make jokes about your level of education, but where is the critical thinking lol, it is genuinely pitiful if you think you can simply separate "ancestors" from the modern day monarchy. That you can't seem to reconcile the evil colonisers of yesterday with the Prince Williams of today. Like, it's sort of embarrassing actually 

  4. This is her villain arc, one she's been building up to for a long time. Ramble incoming



    She was critically derided with BTD, all those questions of inauthenticity and the nature of the music and SNL etc. With UV and HM, she retreated further into her own realm, existing from behind layers of her own mystique and myth, perhaps in part as a protective impulse against the hostility outside of her world. This was peak classic Lana, unapologetic of the situation outside her by living totally within herself. 


    But with LFL, she begins her foray outside. Opening the space to collaborators, bridging her world with the common world by addressing politics. Almost an exercise in reckoning with the hostile outside with positivity, proclaiming that she isn't insular, she's large she contains multitudes lmao. And it is refreshing, of course. And she builds on this positivity with NFR, a sort of archimedean point of universal acclaim and acceptance. Validation from the same hostile public that wrote her off years ago. 


    But even though the acclaim continues with COCC, Lana doesn't seem to want to accept the acceptance. She's won their game, and now she's denouncing it, she's turning it on its head, and I say this purely by the way she refuses to be amicable about her controversy. Lana seems to be consumed by the wrongs she faced at the start of her career, and I suppose that feeling of injustice, of being the misunderstood underdog, is resurfacing in a very tangible form. 


    It's the return of the repressed. What helplessness she may have felt when she was being slammed during the BTD era has reared its head again, except now she's won the industry, and she doesn't have to be helpless any more. She refuses to be internalised by it, where their acceptance basically mutes her, sterilises her. So she embraces villainy, doesn't play it safe, sells her wares on her own terms, lashes out irrationally (and revels in this irrationality); she is no longer pleading not to be misunderstood, as on Honeymoon, but simply accepts that she IS misunderstood, chronically, and makes that her impulse. So, she releases Rock Candy Sweet. 


    For some reason I keep thinking of the Hunger Games, lol. (spoilers), but the way Lana is acting right now just reminds me of when Katniss unexpectedly killed President Coin. As though, she finally became accepted as part of that establishment, but refused it, rescinded it for the dark edges where she belongs, saw it as the hollow world it was and decided she didn't need it. 


    Where does she go from here? I think after releasing this next album, she'll have spent all this vengeful energy and will continue on down some elusive path, out to somewhere untethered from the rational and critical world. It'll mark, like, a new dawn of Lana; this revenge being the antithesis, and her new synthesis emerging as something totally left-of-centre post-RCS. Where she's being super reactive now, to the press and the past, I think she'll finally reach a point where she is done with it all. And I mean properly done, not repressed. This is probably the last ritual, some type of self-cleansing, clearing out the attic and airing out the old grief, before she moves house completely, takes us somewhere fresh and new. The last journey, perhaps, before entering legend space. 


    Thus concludes my wild over-read of post-NFR Lana, thank you, thank you. 



  5. What if the project she said she was thinking of for a long time, and now wanted to release, is basically The Revenge of Lana Del Rey (which she's been thinking of since before BTD)... she named it RCS, sure, but what if conceptually this is the anger album she's been mulling over since AKA... And finally she knows how she wants to go about it? 


    This is dumb I know but I'm just wondering what may be 

  6. I hope she pulls a beach house and releases 2 very distinct but amazing albums within a single year :creep: 


    the first would be lush and dreamy, her depression cherry, vast space and romance. Roses Bloom for You 


    The second as the punchy, noisy, grainy antithesis. Dealer, long guitar breaks, scuzzy soundscapes that feel a lil seedy and irreverent, like a back alley, full of longing and desire. 


    The two together would be like this mega lana epoch, some hegelian dynamic that ultimately births her into her new synthesis, ldr10, some crazy curveball that flings her into the stratosphere forever, some sound we could never ever expect... something totally absurdist and surreal... yeah I'm getting ahead of myself here 

  7. Wait, why did no-one tell me that Pawn Shop Blues got a 2021 MV??????????????????? I feel like this should've been a huge deal, even if just for Lana acknowledging AKA in such a  direct way and going as far as to appear in a video for it all this time later. And the video is amazing at that 

  8. 9 minutes ago, PARADIXO said:
      Reveal hidden contents

    Seriously though, I've been having this feeling of nothingless lately... contemplating nothing while at the same time feeling so touched by it. I realize life is beautiful, and the things that I do are peaceful and well-intended; I do it for fun and for the right reasons, but I myself feel empty and with a weird low self-esteem, like I don't even exist. I am not the main character of my life, somehow. So this album, full of contemplative and thoughtful nothingness and existentialism is making me feel warm and nice. It's very special. Very complex feeling.


    :wowcry: Need a hug

    Oh my God me too



  9. Spoiler

    There's something so timeless and ancient about the melodies on this album. I don't know, I'm listening to songs like DBJAG and DTWD and NAWWAL and all the others, and it feels like something that the Beatles or something would've taken for themselves. I think it's the sunshine inherent in the songs. They sound as though crafted from an everlasting record world 


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