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Posts posted by theviolence

  1. Born To Die: Wild At Heart

    Paradise: Blue Velvet

    Ultraviolence: Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me

    Honeymoon: Mulholland Drive

    Lust for Life: Dune

    Norman Fucking Rockwell!: Lost Highway

    I agree except I'd swap paradise and nfr

    And cocc will be Rabbits

  2. I still don't think nicole nodland has anything to do with anything this era lol, she legit likes almost all her comments, especially the earlier ones. I guess she'd like to work with lana again but honestly, people are beginning to expect some highly conceptual creative direction when we're probably just going to get some chunk and charlie stuff and that's OK!


    Also, I still can't believe there are ppl that want a BTD 2.0 visually. That ship has sailed. That glossy editorial pin up glamour has been gone since UV. Her imagery since has mostly been low-fi, noisy, everyday, imperfect, which she pursued with Krug and its more evident recently with literal iPhone covers. Idk I just dont see a Nodland revival now, we'll probably get something akin to the HM stuff which was lush and had a candid quality to them

  3. Interesting, the Spotify description mentions COCC as the official follow-up to NFR. I think the sound will be similar then?? Sort of like how people are describing the Tulsa snippet as sounding similar to CG.

    What lol it just means it's the next album released after NFR, Lana's team didn't write the updated bio and I wouldn't assume whoever did has some info re: the sound of cocc


    In any case I think it will retain a similarity to the pop elements of nfr, like cg and hiab. I just really want the album to be weird

  4. The reviewer from The Guardian is a self-identifies socialist. She calls herself a socialist on her Twitter page.


    (I’m a liberal democrat but I do not agree with socialism)


    But I have to ask, why is The Guardian employing someone with a clear political bias and letting them review art? Her politics is anti-creativity as creativity is censured under socialism.


    See I can’t take that review seriously as there is a clear bias. It’s not the media’s job to infuse their politics into reporting. That’s up to the viewer to decide. Granted bias is all over. FOX News is very bias and repeats whatever Trump says! lol


    Having said this, most people are not so good at understanding poetry.

    Worms for brains

  5. I'm so tempted to say this'll sound exactly like nfr but, as experience has taught, this is never really the case w lana. Before we knew anything about them, we really thought lfl would sound the same as hm, that nfr would be reminiscent of lfl, etc etc


    Cocc might share elements with nfr but I do think it'll fundamentally shed any semblance of the surfy undertones on nfr and assume some other character (swapping the beach for the garden perhaps? Or going deeper into the desert, away from the ocean).


    I don't see her losing the laurel canyon singer-songwriter feeling, and I don't think cocc will be more polished or anything though. I think it'll be more heavy on the drums (basically I'm thinking something along the lines of Everytime the sun comes up by Sharon van etten, which is still desert-like but not surfy, kinda sardonic but soulful)

  6. YES FUCK THEM!!!!! The reviews for NFR often rubbed me the wrong way because they were so often centred around the idea that "oh, Lana has finally stopped being the submissive, sad relationship singer, she's finally changed, finally spoken about the world outside of her own ultra feminine construction" etc , and its like, while she may be singing about the end of the world etc she is still all that she embodied before! And now she's affirming it hell yea fuck them do what you want lana


    I love that she didn't capitulate to the critics' new vision of her, because those nfr reviews all seemed to be like sighs of relief, as though this new lana is more palatable and thus this is who she is and ought to be and thank God she changed. But she's gonna continue making them uncomfortable. Love also that she called out the general bullshit reviews since 2010. ALSO love that she acknowledges she had a career in 2010 in other words implicitly acknowledging AKA (what if that's the album she's releasing in september :hooker: she did also mention indian reservations too after all)

  7. Thinking about how the freak demo bridge is so immediately reminiscent of the idea of a honeymoon with the devotion + escapism / desire to elope (marry me marry me, take a long vacation). It makes me wonder whether she formed the album concept with this in mind. As though, when conceiving of the album as being "Honeymoon", it was taking, or supposed to take, a more explicitly marital theme?

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