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Everything posted by therichwhores

  1. GIRL OMG! your signature freaked me out. I was like 'is Lana blinking?! or am I going mad??!' I looked at it for like 30 seconds to realize it is a gif
  2. Sure. Someone (I do not want to give names but look at previous conversations ) leaked an image from YAIL video on Instagram. Please do not share if you see it. People also blocking china.palace for being scammer.
  3. I remember someone from UK did leak the video.. Not sure though.
  4. Oh I have no problem with you. You're amazing and perfect. ( I mean this) I read your analysis topics million times. I am just mad at other mod who has 'friends and family first' rule. I have 2 WP because of stupid drama. (even though other person was sharing DM's publicly (which is obv. not ok according to rules) but mod didnt do anything for that)
  5. so we all are confused about Because of You then lol. thanks a lot for correction
  6. JFK, angels forever, starry eyed, black beauty, because of you (not sure)
  7. I do not know if i agree with you or not. Are you right? Maybe It is not about him being beast or a god. I feel like It is about him being impulsive with what he has and making wrong choices. Does he like attention? Yes ( who doesn't) but why can't you just keep it to yourself If you have any info about upcoming stuff. It's like saying -look but do not touch -
  8. And saying that Eclipse has nothing to do with these... Smh.. Eclipse stopped because he got into trouble. He is the one who shared his 'exclusive' comments about YAIL video and song. He is the one who told about wink and what was happening in the video. If he didn't say anything, that new pic now would be unseen and we would be analysing.
  9. Well I don't want to bring this up but don't we all know Eclipse and Lana Boards 'Exclusive Members' have skype group and Eclipse shares info with them. I like @Elle as @admin but mods and this board needs better system.
  10. Poor Lana. I do not like this fandom at all. ( Not everyone)
  11. Eek. I knew this was going to happen. So sad. I feel so sorry for Lana
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