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Posts posted by Matt

  1. Sometimes I wonder if she really listens to Elvis and reads Nabokov (esp. since she mis-spelled it).. like is it all part of her image or an effort to appeal to her hipster youth audience? lol


    Okay, I'm more inclined to believe she listens to Elvis but when asked about Nirvana in an interview, she didn't appear to be too knowledgeable about one of her self-proclaimed favorite bands.


    I'd say half as her image and half as something she is interested in. I find Nirvana overrated anyways so the fact she named it her favorite band seems cringeworthy to me, I think it's just to be trendy. I won't deny it, Heart-Shaped Box is a good song, I listen to it on repeat every now and then, same with; Polly, Come As You Are, and In Bloom - but after a while their discography sounds the same, but the "grunge" and "hipsters" on Tumblr won't admit that. At many times I find Lana Del Rey to be a hipster. I wouldn't say Nabokov is a strong aspect of hipster culture though, but that's just my opinion. But I find her tattoos to be biting the hipster enchilada a bit too hard. "Die Young", "Infinity", etc.

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