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About aexxit

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  1. Well are u talking about concerts? this isn't a concert and I remember seeing a video on youtube where she sings and there's ppl eating dinner or drinking which is probably the same thing as this "event" and It was professionally recorded
  2. I'm so jealous omg.. What did u write on the letter u gave to her? And 1 last question.. where did u have to wait in order to see her? was it right after the concert ended somewhere or? U say doors opened, which ones?
  3. Cuz of the glasses imo. So she talked to u or how was it? what did u say to her ? what she smell like That bald guy behind u at the left of the pic goes everywhere with her lol
  4. Was it "easy" to get to her? or more like extreme luck?
  5. and what's worse is that they don't even record it and upload it later grrrrrrrrrrr im so mad
  6. I mean, I'm not sure about this but it should be live streamed SOMEWHERE SOMEHOW even if it's a paid TV channel or w/e, like... wtf is going on these days that I'm fucking unable to see her singing if im not there live.......
  7. Why concerts aren't streamed? it pisses me off so bad -.-
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