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Everything posted by FLL

  1. Imma let her be her, if she a bitch, be the bitchiest bitch u can be. Men are dicks all da time and no one be like "woe is me, how could they be so mean".
  2. Not getting dicked down
  3. I love how much we reach here, I want her to come out and say, "oh ? Bar? it's about me getting plowed behind a 7/11"
  4. Wow it does hella sound like Hangin' around
  5. She literally did this for Ultraviolence and Honeymoon... on purpose.
  6. https://youtu.be/3-NTv0CdFCk?t=2m46s The iteration of this
  7. I hate that Screeching that Emile puts on each of his tracks. It's on BTD, Love, and now this. unfortunate.
  8. It's not about the music, it's about the dildo impalement
  9. hahah no i was joking, also your guys' theory reflects the fact she recently shot a video and she had a broom. so basically you're right
  10. How dare you guys, you shouldn't be talking about the new unreleased material
  11. Yea the reason they're upset is that in the US it is falling.
  12. You think you're clever for changing the names? ok you do that but the truth is Lady Gaga has a sold out world tour at the moment.
  13. It's the same in the U.S. we've got an iTunes banner, she spams instagram every 5 hours, and the Facebook posted something too.
  14. Y'all are saying what she should or shouldn't do, but we all know lana could release an album of breathing and we'd all be like "yaas queen of breathing!!! SLAYYYY." And others'd be like, "track 5 of breathing is not as good as ultraviolence tho..."
  15. She said "socially aware"... doesn't necessarily mean politics.
  16. Where are they? I'm in Paris and I'm doing absolutely nothing with my life!
  17. I'm up cause it's 9AM here but if Lana also happens to use the devil to advance civilization and/or release the album of my year, then so be it.
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