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Everything posted by Tammy

  1. Tammy

    Dua Lipa

    BWBB is a great song, one of her best songs ever, and it does not kill anything. It perfectly fits and is a great album-closing song.
  2. Tammy

    Dua Lipa

    'My fans will love it!' Well, at least I do.
  3. Mariners Apartment Comple - 24 Venice Bitch - 52 California - 66
  4. Mariners Apartment Complex - 26 Venice Bitch - 52 California - 65
  5. THIS! I actually get the feeling especially politicians have no idea what to do and they are slowly afraid people could go to the barricades if they don't loosen regulations - and I guess the fact that spring is coming doesn't make it easier, people do not stay inside anymore as the weather is brilliant - while scientists keep claiming this won't be over in some weeks and it's just the beginning. I really like how Denmark has treated things so far. https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/ausland/id_87664478/corona-krise-oesterreich-tschechien-und-daenemark-lockern-einschraenkungen.html Google translate: After Austria and the Czech Republic, Denmark has also announced the first relaxation of its measures taken in the corona crisis. In a first step, nurseries, kindergartens and lower grades zero to five of schools should be reopened on April 15, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen said at a press conference in Copenhagen on Monday evening. This benefits parents, who would get more peace of mind in the home office. It was "the first cautious opening phase," said Frederiksen. However, the Danes should be prepared that they will have to live with restrictions for months because of the corona pandemic. The border with Germany remains closed. According to Frederiksen, these and other measures will be extended by four weeks until May 10, including the closure of restaurants. The school classes from the sixth to tenth years will also remain at home until then. Frederiksen made it clear that there would be no final exams for the tenth graders this year. Larger gatherings are even forbidden up to and including August - the largest music festival in Northern Europe in Roskilde, which was supposed to take place from June 27 to July 4 this year, announced its cancellation immediately after Frederiksen's announcement.
  6. Kids / teens die too in the meantime and pets get infected as well.
  7. Tammy

    Miley Cyrus

    She's so messy right now and has freaked out again since the divorce. When she broke up with Liam some years back for the first time she was kinda out of control. But I didn't care as I liked the music and her style and the results were great at that time. But this time? The only great songs she created in the last months were 'The Most' and 'Slide Away'. Her EP actually was crap. And her look now is terrible. I mean she looked so gorgeous during the 'Younger Now' era and sounded so great.
  8. Tammy

    Dua Lipa

    No, the kids ain't alright ...
  9. @Aquemini: Thank you so much for your kind words. You‘re so freaking cute! I am sorry to hear you can‘t sleep anymore. I went through this phase too and what helped me was to stop reading all news. In the meantime I only read headlines once per day and that’s it. @ was right, it’s frustrating and you can’t calm down anymore. Corona or not, my mind is always racing and having something I am really interested in like drawing or music helps a lot. But I can’t deny I miss being in company. PS: Even the saddest RO song puts a smile on my face. He was such a sweetie!
  10. At first I was happy to stay at home - it's been 1 1/2 weeks now. I could fix some things in my apartment and could spend my time on doing what I love and I never have much time for when I work full-time. But in the meantime I am not doing fine anymore: I feel empty, useless, tired and it feels like I am totally wasting my time. I take a walk with my friend once per week and have to go to the supermarket once per week too. Otherwise I stay inside. As every state in my country has made its own 'rules' I am not allowed anymore to see my dad and brother who live in another state as I do. My dad has a house + garden and I would love to be there now, being surrounded by the ones I love and miss and being in the nature especially now during spring. I am not bored at all and it does not feel right to complain when others have had to go through harder times (like: https://www.facebook.com/theTruth365film/photos/a.457070807653967/3299756746718678/?type=3&theater ) and I really try to stay positive but at the end of the day I am not okay, I end up going to bed having headaches and sleeping for 12 hours. I can't wait to go to work again and to go home to my family - not being with them is what gets me so down right now - calling or sending messages is not the same. Not to know what will come next and if my 2 fav humans will stay healthy drives me insane... Trying to divert myself with listening to my fav singer Roy and working on some fanart now. Stay safe everyone!
  11. In the Netherlands almost everything will stay closed until 1 June!
  12. Tammy

    Dua Lipa

    Would have loved to get "Levitating" and "Hallucinate" as singles instead of "Don't start now" and "Future Nostalgia". "Pretty Please" is kinda special too. "Break My Heart" is my least favorite song from the new album. It's not as bad as "New Rules" but it reminds me a lot of it.
  13. Such a good song and I love Georgia's version of it so much:
  14. Tammy

    Billie Eilish

    Billie is a genius! For all 'artists' among us: https://store.billieeilish.com/products/billie-eilish-coloring-book-digital-pdf And this, aw: https://store.billieeilish.com/products/billie-eilish-puzzle?variant=31625658040381
  15. I actually do not believe it is ‚natural‘ as politians and scientists claim. There is more to it than meets the eye... Some of my colleagues even say Corona does not exist just because they never read or watched an interview with anyone who had it and is healthy again. I do not believe this theory, but I think the virus was spread intentionally.
  16. I am very happy to say my hotel finally closed today and I don't have to work for the next 2 weeks - I can stay at home, being safe...wish everyone was that lucky.
  17. Tammy

    Conan Gray

    His music is great! He seems to be a very passionate musician. I understand that Taylor Swift pushes him, his music is a lot like hers. I would love to see him live in May but I guess his tour will be cxl due to corona.
  18. Tammy

    Dua Lipa

    I actually listen to this album and can't stop thinking of Abba...
  19. Tammy

    Marry , Fuck , Kill

    Marry Margot Robbie Fuck Jason Statham Kill Childish Gambino ---------------------------------------------- Natasha Liu Bordizzo, Olivia DeJonge, Kathryn Newton
  20. Tammy

    Dua Lipa

    Solid pop album but nothing super special. Physical and Cool are the best ones.
  21. It's just the beginning, it sure will also affect the May, at least... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I read an article about Africa today - the forecasts here are concerning. The people there will be at the mercy of coronavirus especially in slums.
  22. It really pisses me off how some celebs out there have acted and I really can't hear their 'stay at home', 'Stay At Home', 'PLEASE STAY AT HOME' anymore. It's like they have all lost grip on reality. Wish they would realize as long as bosses / managements say we have to work and they don't close the company yet - particularly if there aren't any regulations that they have to - we can't stay at home, we have jobs to lose. Especially now find a new one if you lost it!
  23. Mariners Apartment Complex - 34 Venice Bitch - 50 California - 49 Bartender - 10
  24. I love the original but this version even a bit more - Jess & Matt feat. Chris Isaak: Jess & Matt keep me going right now. Their music is very positive, so are they! Always smiling and spreading good vibes. https://www.instagram.com/jess_and_matt/ Also Allie X makes me very happy.
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